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We've now been driving for about 45mins, and to say I was getting tired of driving was an understatement.

"Are we there yet?" I groaned.

"Almost, and please stop asking." Oh yeh forgot to mention that was like my 100th time asking, oops.

"But we've been driving for ages."

"Trust me it will be worth it, we'll be there in 5 minutes." i sighed when he told me, 5 minutes to long in my opinion.

We started driving up a hill in the city, I took in my surroundings and felt like I recognised this place, but I couldn't quiet put my finger on it just yet. We pulled up to a fence saying no trespassing, then it hit me, Calum is taking us to our little get away in the city from the city. I froze in my spot with all memories from our times up here rushed inside me.

"I'm guessing you remember this place?" Calum asked, clearly reading the look on my face. I nodded head in response, I thought he would've forgot about this place like I almost did.

Calum helped me through the wires cutting off the path and we made our way to our secret spot, in the hills. Upon arriving I was amazed by what I saw, everything still exactly the same as I remembered it, Our favourite tree to climb still had our names engraved on it with March 2012 written below, wow I was only 14 here and Calum 16. I walked around a little more to if my favourite spot of this location was still here, and to my luck it was. It was these two large rocks side by side hanging off the hill bit with an amazing view of the city. I started to tear up when sitting on my rock seeing all my drawings and my handprint from that same day as the tree on the rock, I placed my hand over my handprint just taking in every detail of this place. Calum soon took his seat next to me on his rock.

"We should update our drawings on these rocks, it has nearly been 4yrs or something since we last did."

"Yeh and where will we get the paint and chalk from?"

"From my bag, I knew we were coming here so I thought maybe we would want to update them." He really had this day planned out.

Calum took the supplies from his bag and we both started drawing away. I decided to do a lot of music stuff to represent all the music/performance in my life right now, as well as updating my handprint beside the other. Calum did similar things but did little logos for each of the tours he was part of. I was honestly so proud of him for how far him and the boys have got with they music career. Once we both completed our drawing I decided to get a picture of them to post on my Instagram later, where Calum wanted a more complicated photo, but once again he planned ahead and brought a tripod type thing to put his camera on. I swear his bag is magic or something. Calum set up his camera and directed me to look out over the city sitting on my rock and he would do the same once the timer was set. It was the perfect time of day for photos as we had the sun setting right in front of us, giving the sky a bubble gum type colour. My fav pic taken was the one where I had my head resting on Calum, we looked like black figures with the sky looking absolutely gorgeous, instantly making it my fav pic of Calum and I.

"Next part of the adventure time." Calum said rising to his feet.

"Wait there's more?" I asked shocked.

"Yep, and trust me it gets better." How can it get better? like I can't think of much that tops this.

We were on our way to the next location. We were currently driving over the Harbour Bridge; the view was absolutely beautiful. Calum was slightly humming to the tune of one of their older songs 'Over and Over', I started singing the lyrics to his humming. Calum looked at me with a smile appearing on his face.

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