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|| A/N Okay I didn't think I'd update again today, but I just had an idea and decided would be good to use at this point before I forgot it, but yeh I'll try update again soon! Enjoy reading, vote, comment and share to all your friends ! Love you guys xx ||


Can we talk?" I asked with hope he'll want to actually talk.

"Of course." He patted a spot next to himself, where I soon took a seat.

"I'm ready to tell you my story about everything you heard today."

I took a big sigh before continuing, let's hope he won't hate me after this.


" Okay so when I moved school a girl in my performance class asked if i was in anyway related to you, and me being me I don't lie so i said yes. Maddison happened to over hear me saying so, and thats when torture begun." I continued on telling him about the crap Maddison ever gave me over the past 2 years. He payed close attention making sure not to miss any detail about what was being said.

"Okay, now when did you start." Calum said softly motioning down to my wrist where countless scars were seen.

"I started back in March this year, so about 9 months ago." I started to feel really ashamed that I hadn't told him sooner. I started fiddling with my thumbs in my lap as silence filled the air. Calum soon broke the silence.

"Now look at me. Whenever something like this happens again please call, if I'm middle of something important ill leave because nothing is more important to me then knowing my little sis if safe and happy when I'm not around. If you can't get hold of me, you can call one of the boys because we all care and love you so much. So promise me you'll call or talk to me whenever you need to." I smiled formed on my lips just at thought of how much he would actually drop just to make sure i was okay.

"I promise." I lunged forward giving Calum a huge hug. One less thing for me to worry about.

Calum and I decided to have a Movie marathon with all our favourite movies from our childhood, something we used to do at the start of every summer vacation when we were in Primary School. We were currently in the middle of watching Tangled with Calum and I singing at the top of our lungs soon to hear our mum from down the hall yelling at us to quiet down. I look at my phone to see it read 2am, wow have we really been watching Movies for that long, I guess thats what happens when you have't seen your brother for about a year.

"I should probably head to bed Cal."

"Yeh probably, plus I want us to have as much energy as we can for tomorrow as I have something planned for us." I soon jolted up in excitement.

"What!" I was now bouncing up and down liken excited little kid on Christmas morning. Calum laughing at my reaction.

"Your going to have to wait, now go to bed for some sleep." I groaned at his response making my way to my room.

"Love you Em!" Calum shouted as I excited the room.

"Love you to Calum!" 

I woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon filling the house, I was quiet surprised as it's only Saturday and Mum doesn't normally cook a big breakfast today; only Sunday's. I walked down the stairs to find Calum cooking bacon and eggs, okay what the hell he's normally still asleep when I get up.

"Your up early." Calum must have not expected anyone to be up yet as he screamed, like a girl i might add, with fear at my sudden presence. I was now laughing hysterically at his reaction.

"Thats not funny Em, I could've died." Calum said still trying to catch his breathe back.

"Yeh with what, the plastic egg flipper in your hand, I'm sure that would've done enough damage to kill you." Calum rolled his eyes at my response.

After me going through my twitter catching up on gossip of they boys, I may be Calums sister but I always like to keep up with whats going on amongst the fans, but thats beside the point, I was soon presented with a plate full of bacon and eggs, and for Calums cooking skills it actually was half decent.

"Learn how to cook on tour? Cause last I saw you couldn't flip an egg." I said with sass evident in my voice.

"Don't question the skills, I've improved over the year I've been away." Calum returning the same amount of sass back

After Calum and I eating our breakfast I was told to go get ready for my day out, I still had no idea what he had planned, and i was honestly quiet scared. Once picked out my outfit [Image at top], I took one last look in the mirror and was quiet happy with how I looked, wow thats rare. I decided to lightly curl the ends of my hair, so it looks like i put somewhat effort into my hair today. While waiting for my curling wand to heat up I decided to put on the minimal makeup I use, which consist of foundation, powder, mascara and lip gloss. Not much I know but its all i need. While applying my mascaraCalum comes barging into my room yelling at the top of his lungs, some lyrics I couldn't make out. In him doing so scared the crap out of me now i have mascara running across my nose.

"Calum, are you serious right now!" I yelled, really annoyed at the fact y nose is practically black now.

"Hey, I just wanted to see if you were ready." He rose his hands in defence.

"Maybe next time knock, so my nose doesn't turn black." I took a deep breathe trying to keep my cool, because nothing annoys me more then when unwanted makeup goes where it shouldn't.

"So are you ready?" Calum asked taking a seat beside me in front of my mirror.

"Well I was just about to finish my makeup, until someone interrupted. Then i have to curl my hair a little." Calum groaned knowing that i was not going to be finished in like 5mins like he was hoping.

"If you want, you can curl my hair for me. It will speed up the process."

Calum agreed in doing so, I was soon doing my makeup when Calum was about halfway with my curls. I couldn't help but laugh at the concentration on his face while curling my hair, like my hair was a fragile bit of, with too much pressure it will break, or in this case if held to long my hair will just burn off. I decided to take a pic of him while doing so, and tweeting it.

@ EmmyHood1302: @ Calumhood curling my hair for a day of adventure he has planned for the two of us. But can we appreciate the concentration on his face aha x. Image Attachment

Calum phone buzzed right as I press tweet, he took a glance at his phone and realised what i had actually just done.

"Em! I'm supposed to in a punk rock band, and here you are posting pictures of me curling my sisters hair." Calum groaned.

"Oh please, your the complete opposite of punk rock. Besides no one will see it, I only ha-" I was soon cut off to my phone going off saying Michael had retweeted my tweet with the pic of Calum. "Yeh maybe scratch what I just said, Michael may or may not have just retweeted the picture."

"I'm going to kill him on Monday I swear."

"No you won't, you love him too much."

"Thats true, I'll just evil eye him, because thats probably the best I got." I laughed at his conclusion on how he's going to get back at Michael for doing so.

Calum continued curling my hair soon to finish.

"Okay, are you ready now?" He was now starting to get impatient by now.

"Yes, I'm ready lets go." I grabbed my purse and phone and Calum and I were soon off to who knows where.

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