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Hey to the people that still care about this story, but I am so sorry this update is long over due! But it's here now so don't hate me! School for the term is almost done and netball season is almost complete which means that the whole week will soon free up to write! So enjoy this update and hopefully will see you guys again soon aha xx


It took me a while to actually respond but soon I started to kiss him back. I thought people were lying when they said they feel sparks, but man I feel sparks now. The kiss ended way too soon for my liking.

"Wow." Was all I could say. Michael laughed in response.

"Well Emily, I would like to know if you would do the honours and be my girlfriend?" Michael said lifting my chin so I was looking at him in the eye.

"But what about Calum? He wouldn't be to happy." That's the only thing I could think of, Calum would kill me, I don't even want to think what he would do to Michael.

"He doesn't need to know just yet. It can be our little secret until your ready." A smile soon forming on my lips.

"I like the sound of that."

"So that's a yes?" I nod in response.

We finally get off the road and headed home. I know how classy of Michael to ask me out in a car park, but hey that's Michael for you, unpredictable. On the car ride home Michael intertwines our hands, I smile at the sight. This stupid boy I have had a crush on for so long is finally my boyfriend. Now that it's here I don't know what to think, it's just all so surreal. We pull up to the front of my house and I gather all the shopping from today, I freeze when I turn to face the house.

"You coming?" Michael ask. I couldn't respond many different scenarios were playing through my head on how Calum would react if he saw me and Michael together. Michael must have been able to see the fear I had written all over my face.

"Em, it will be fine, trust me okay." Michael says softly and places a kiss on my forehead. I nod lightly in response.

We make our way towards the house and enter to find the boys in the living room.

"Look lovebirds have arrived home." Luke joked. I stiffened instantly.

"Em, you okay? Look like a deer in the headlights." Calum asked as his focus turns to me.

I let out a shaky breath, "yeh, just a rough time at the shops is all." I wasn't lying but I wasn't telling the whole truth either. Calum's eyes grew at my comment, he stood up and dragged me up towards his room, instantly closing the door behind him.

"Was it Maddison?" Anger sounded in his voice. I lightly nod as I didn't know what exactly to say.

"And Michael just let it happen, why the hell didn't that bastard stand up for you and why di-" before he could continue I cut him off.

"Stop blaming Michael!" I yell making his attention instantly turn to me.

"Michael actually did stand up for me, don't think he didn't do shit just because it was a rough time. She said some stuff before Michael realised it was her. If you must know he punched her in the end because he was that frustrated by what she had said previously." I was furious that he thought Michael wouldn't have helped.

"He did what!" Calum's eyes grew, obviously at the last comment I made.

"Punched her." I said bluntly.

"Does he not think! Now the image of the band will look bad, Michael can't just go around punching girls, what the fucking hell was he thinking!" Is he serious right now?

Tears started to spill from my eyes, nice to know my brother cares more about his bands image then his actual sister. I instantly left his room slamming the door behind heading for the bathroom. I instantly slam the door and look for something I haven't used in a few weeks. My blade. I instantly grabbed it in my shaky hands, tears just endlessly running down my cheeks. I was currently sitting in the corner of the bathroom holding the blade to my wrist. Am I really going to do this? The boys only just found out I self harm and I promised I would stop, but it simply isn't that easy.

1 for being a disappointment.

2 for Calum not honestly caring about me.

3 for Maddison giving me so much crap.

4 for good luck.

As I was washing my wrist, a bang sounded at the door echoing through the bathroom. I jumped in response.

"Em! Please open up." Michael said, hurt sounding in his voice. I didn't think it was possible, but just the sound of his voice broke me more. He's only just asked me out and now he's going to want to dump me after seeing the mess I am.

I just stood at the sink violently shaking my head. "No, you can't see me like this." I said with more tears racing down my cheeks by the second.

"Emily, please." Michael said his voice getting quieter, the desperate plead being heard in his voice.

I walked over to the bathroom door with my hand on the handle. I don't think I'd be able to see the look on his face if he saw me like this.

"Please Emily." I heard him faintly whisper on the door.

I tightly closed my eyes letting the last few tears fall down my cheeks. I swung the door open dragging Michael into the bathroom quickly closing the door behind me. My sudden movements took Michael by surprise as his eyes grew, but soon softened when he saw the state I was currently.

"Oh Emily." Michael said walking towards me engulfing me in a hug. At this point I just let even more tears flow as sobs escaped my lips. We stayed in this position for a good five minutes.

"You want to tell me what's got you so worked up?" Michael said looking down at me.

I look up at him before starting. "Well it has a little to do with the fact how Maddison treats me, but mostly about the fact that Calum was more concerned about the bands image then his own sister. Like if my own family can't love me then who could." I saw a tear fall from Michaels eyes at my words.

"Don't worry about him, heck I don't blame you for feeling this way, but next time come talk to me about it first, and not turn to this." He turns his attention towards the blade on the bathroom sink. I look down at my lap ashamed in my actions.

Michael placed a soft kiss on my forehead. "Now lets quickly wash up your wrist, and head back before they think something major is wrong." I nodded in response. Before exiting the bathroom Michael stopped me placing a kiss on my lips.

"Did you really think I'd let you leave before I got a proper kiss?" I laughed in response quickly sharing another kiss before leaving to join the boys again.

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