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I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing, I groan as I pick it up.

E: Hello?

M: Oh did I wake you?

E: It's fine Michael, what time is it anyway?

M: Um about 1.

My eyes went wide. I need to finish the boys Christmas shopping, but I don't think the boys will let me go on my own, and mum and dad are currently out of town. Maybe I should just ask Michael to come with me.

E: Shit! Is it really that late?

M: Am I like missing something? What's so important.

E: Do you think you'll be able to come to the store with me? I need to do some Christmas shopping for Calum, and I don't think it's best if I go alone again.

M: Yeh of course, I was going to ask if you wanted to go out today since the others are all busy doing who knows what so that works perfectly. I'll be around yours soon.

E: Okay, See you soon then.

As soon as the call was over I jump up from my bed and hoping into the shower. I soon picked out my outfit for the day. ( ) I walk out of my bathroom to find Michael sitting on my bed, I jump back in shock hitting the wall behind me.

"Oh Em, are you okay?" Michael asked, clearly concerned on how hard I hit my head against the wall.

"Yeh I'm fine, maybe just a warning next time would be good."

I take my hair out of the messy bun I had it in over night and ran my fingers through it, I decided to leave it as it is. I quickly collected my shoes and wallet and Michael and I were soon on our way to the store.

"So what exactly are you getting Calum for Christmas?"

"Oh, just a scrap book of memories, I couldn't think of anything else so why not just do this."

"Smart, well I have no idea what to get him, or any of the others actually."

"Well maybe I can help you, just tell me what you have in mind and I can help you put it all together."

"Thank the lord you're here." I laughed at how grateful he seems.

We soon arrive to the store and make our way to the craft store. I start looking at all the different scrapbook options. I don't know how I'm supposed to by 4 when he thinks I'm only getting one for Calum. I need to think of a way to get him away for a couple minutes.

"Uh Michael, do you mind if you go buy me a drink from the food court?" I go to give him some money for the drink.

"Nope, I'm thirsty anyways so don't worry about it, I'll pay. I'll be back in a few minutes." He says soon leaving the store.

Okay well that was a lot easier then expected. I soon collect the multiple scrapbook items I need and quickly pay for them before Michael comes back. As I collect my bags from the lady I leave the store to see Michael coming back with 2 frozen drinks in his hand, typical of him. I thank him as I take one of the drinks from him.

"So you got everything you need?" I give him a nod.

We start walking around the store in hope Michael may find something that stands out to him to act as a gift for the boys. While walking I suddenly come to a stand still. I grip onto Michaels arm.

"Michael, we need to go." I say trying to turn Michael in the other direction.

"What, why? We just got here." He was getting really confused as to my sudden wanting to go home.

"Michael, please." By time Michael finally gave in and we had turned around, it was to late.

"Emily! Fancy running into you here." I roll my eyes as I turn to face Maddison.

"What." I spit at her. Michael gives me a confused look, he has no idea what Maddison looks like, so this could go very interesting.

"Oh, I just wanted to see how my best friend was going." She says with a fake smile.

"Best Friend? Wow what friend you were. Cause last time I recall people don't make their best friends lives a living hell."

"Wait, this is Maddison?" Michael soon cuts in suddenly putting the pieces together.

"Oh, so he knows about me, nice to know you go crying about me to your actors." I don't say anything in response, I'm sick of her thinking this is all one big act.

"Even out of school your mute, you'd think once school was over you would stop with your stupid act. But I guess you just want to be known as that attention seeking slut." I look down at my feet as tears start to form in my eyes.

"Emily, I'll give you one piece of advice. The quickest way to make all this end for you, is by killing yourself, you'd be helping everyone out, and especially this actor you have here, he can finally go home and no longer have a freak like you in your life." Maddison ends. At this point tears were falling down my cheeks. I turn on my heels and run out to the car.

Michael POV

I never realised it was like this for her, I never would've thought she would've been living her life this way every single day while we were away. All she did was tell the truth and she gets shut down for it. Maddison turns away laughing.

"Wait!" I yell at her.

"What do you want, shouldn't you be with freak over there?"

"Why do you treat her like that?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Because she tries to pull off her being Calum's sister, that's just pathetic if you ask me."

"How long exactly have you been living here?"

"About 2 years, why would that matter."

"Well it does matter, because before your fake ass came around, me and the rest of 5 Seconds of Summer lived here and happened to go to the school you somehow graduated from, so know your facts before you speak up."

"Still doesn't matter, she's fake and should just die." I was done by this point, so without even thinking I just punch her across the face. I honestly didn't care about how bad it would've from the publics perspective but that is no way to treat someone even if they aren't telling truth.

I walk out to the car to find Emily sat in front crying her eyes out. I run up to her and engulf her in a hug. I hate seeing her like this.

"Maybe she's right Michael, maybe I should just kill myself." I couldn't believe the words leaving her mouth right now.

"No no no no no no, Emily don't think like that, you are the most amazing, beautiful and talented girl I know. The world is so lucky to have you, just she isn't very lucky to realise how amazing you are." She looks up at me, seeing her eyes blood shot red, tears filled in her eyes just broke me. "If it makes you feel any better I may have messed up her face."

"Michael, you didn't need to do that. Besides what about your image, it won't look to good for the band." She says in a sympathetic tone.

"I don't care about the image; I care more about you if anything. For Christ sake Emily I'd take a bullet if it meant you were safe."

Emily POV

Whoa, I didn't realise I meant that to him. I was in shock I didn't know what to say. So I just gave him a hug and started to cry.

"Hey, why are you crying?" He asks as he lifts my chin so we're looking each other in the eye.

"I think it's because, for once I've found someone that actually cares for me that isn't family, someone who isn't being forced to like me. In all honesty I don't think I'd be here if I didn't have you here. Yeh I have Calum, but he can only do so much as a brother I guess. I just really really like you and I don't want to mess up and disappoint you, because if I did, I may just take Madison's Advice."

"Well Emily, I really really like you to, and I was actually planning on doing this later but after hearing that I can't wait any longer." I was confused by what Michael meant.

Soon his lips were connected to mine.

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