Chapter 7

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I awoke early in the morning, going out looking for Sophia again. I know that Carol can't go looking herself because she would be reckless. I was wondering through the woods, in hope to find any clues as to where Sophia went. I know I can't track so I am pretty useless at that but I can just wonder around the woods and hope to find something.

I heard a twig snap, these woods were very quiet, so  I could hear anything and everything. I looked around and saw a little movement from behind a tree. I edged towards it, with my knife ready and prepared myself for the worst.

As I turned the corner I saw Daryl doing the exact same thing to be, only with his crossbow. I sighed and looked him over. He had blood covering his shirt and his jeans were all mucky. We walked back to camp on the highway, Rick preferred to go in a big group rather than to go alone.

Me, Rick, Daryl, Shane and Carl all looked for Sophia together. As we were searching, I found a deer, just stood there. I was mesmerised by it. It was so peaceful, I walked closer to it until it fell to the floor. I felt a excruciating pain in my upper thigh, I looked down and saw blood seeping through my jeans. I sat down and held it as the pain got worse.

The group turned at the sound of gunshot and saw me on the floor. Rick and Shane ran up to me immediately. They both grabbed an arm and started carrying me back to the highway.

"Wait! You need help!" A man shouted, they turned around and saw a man stood there with a Rifle in his hands, the bastard that shot me.

"Go in that direction, there is a farm. Ask for Hershel, tell them Otis sent you." Rick and Shane nodded, taking me in the direction the man pointed in. Halfway there, my eyes became heavy and my body started to give out. I fought to keep awake, I was winning for a little while.

As I struggled to stay awake, my legs gave out first, letting them drag on the floor. The pain got worse as I started to groan loudly from it. I tugged on Rick's shoulder and gestured to my legs. He grabbed one while Shane grabbed the other. I was in a chair like position. I saw a barn and a house with a woman on the porch. She shouted something before I passed out.


I opened my eyes and everything was blurry, a old man was stood above me, he had surgical equipment in his hands, he was about to cut into my wound until I spoke.

"Please don't..." I said in a whisper, I couldn't get much more energy.

"I'm sorry." He said before the scalpel went into my wound.

"RICK! DARYL! MAKE IT STOP!" I screamed, hoping one of them were in the room. I continued to scream until I blacked out again.


I awoke with a very noticeable pain in my thigh. I looked around and saw Glenn in my room.

"You're awake!" Glenn said excitedly, I laughed a little.

"I want to get out of bed" I said, he nodded and started to help me out, being careful of my thigh. As I stood, I didn't put any pressure on my leg. Glenn helped me to the kitchen, sitting me on a stool, he went outside. So he left me in the kitchen of some place I don't know, thanks Glenn.

Before I could think of anything else to complain about, Glenn came back in with Daryl, Rick and Shane. I smiled as I saw their surprised faces, Rick and Shane came and hugged me while Daryl stayed back a little. I was uncomfortable with Shane hugging me after everything that happened.

I guess the reason that I didn't want to be with Shane at all was because I didn't want to end up like Carol. As much as I hate to say, she was weak and Ed bullied her. I didn't want to become weak, if I stayed with Shane I would gradually become weak as Shane gradually got my power.

As they both pulled away, Daryl came over and hugged me. I put my arms around him, to hug him back. As Daryl pulled away, the old man came in.

"My name is Hershel," He said, I nodded at him.

"Tori." I said, he nodded back, three girls came in and a boy.

"This is Maggie," He said, pointing to a girl with shoulder length brown hair, she smiled brightly at me.

"This is Beth," He said, pointing to a girl with long blonde hair, she was quite shy and waved.

"This is Patricia," He said, pointing to an older woman who had a look of grief on her face, I'll ask about that later.

"And, this is Jimmy." Hershel said, ending on a boy who was holding Beth's hand. I smiled at them all and looked down at my thigh where my blood stained jeans had a hole in them.

"You'll have to wait until someone goes on a run for crutches, for now you can ask people to help you get around the farm." I nodded, they all gave one last smile before they all went in different directions. As I gestured Daryl over, he put an arm around my waist and I placed my arm around his neck.

"What's wrong with Patricia?" I asked him quietly as we stepped out into fresh air. I felt a nice breeze go through my hair, it was really refreshing to be somewhere where you don't worry about walkers for more than an hour or two.

"The guy who shot you, Otis, died. Shane said he tripped but I don't believe him, he brought back a dead man's gun." Daryl said, it does seem a little sceptical, bringing back a dead man's gun. I might question him about it and see if the story is the same as Daryl told me.

"Tori!" Rick shouted, I saw him leaving the house and making his way towards us. Daryl waited until Rick reached us before he nodded and left.

"We need to talk."

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