Chapter 11

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Even though Tony knew that Rick was my so called 'boyfriend' he still tried things. We were in the bar and they wouldn't stop talking about the farm and how they didn't have a group or anywhere to stay other than their car.

"You can stay in your car because it is better for you... A quicker escape if walkers get to you." I said, thinking that the plan was quite smart for these too dumbasses. One of them just chuckled and went behind the counter, as I looked over, I saw him checking his ammo. I got my gun out and pointed it at him.

"Don't move." I said, Rick and Glenn looked at me confused. Then, they came over and had a look at why I was pointing my gun at him.

"Alright, just put the gun down and we can settle this maturely." He started, I laughed to myself, the guy was going to kill us! He started to stand up slowly with his hands behind his head. I pulled the hammer back as a warning, he moved when I told him not to.

I looked around, and saw everyone with a gun pointed at someone else. As I turned back around, Tony pulled his gun out and almost shot me until Rick shot him first, then I shot Dave. Thank god that creep, Tony, was gone. As we were all starting to relax and realise what just happened, it was time to go.

"Hershel, lets head back." Glenn said, as Hershel got up we headed for the door. Everything was fine until Rick began to speak.

"Car. Car. Get down." We ducked down and heard the car engine stop outside.

 "Dave? Tony? They said over here?" A man asked, great... Two of them.

"Yeah." The man said, they're going to find us if we don't move!

 "I'm telling you, man, I heard shots." A third man said.

"I saw roamers - two streets over." The second man said, well this is the one and only time I will be thankful for walkers.

 "Man it's hot. We need to get out of here." A man said.

 "Dave! Tony!" One shouted.

"Shut up, you idiot! You wanna attract 'em? Just stick close." We were just crouched down, hoping that we weren't seen and that the men would go.

"We're gonna find 'em." One with a strong country accent said.

"Dude, he said to stay close." Is one of them a leader?

"Tony." One of them said.

 "Gonna be around here somewhere." One of them said.

 "Why won't they leave?" Glenn whispered.

 "We can't sit here any longer." I said, my legs were aching and would soon collapse.

"Let's head out the back and make a run to the car." Rick suggests. As we were standing up, we heard gunfire which made us sit back down.

"What happened?" A man asked.

"Roamers, I nailed 'em." One answered.

 "They disappeared but their car's still there. I cleared those buildings." One of them pointed out.

"You guys get this one?" He carried on.


"Me neither."

 "We're looking for Dave and Tony and no one checks the damn bar?" This man knows Dave and Tony well, I looked and saw the bodies on the floor... Highly visible. As their footsteps approached, I took a chance and pushed the door shut when they tried to open it.

"What?" One of them asked.

"Someone pushed it shut." I looked at Rick and he had a look of worry and anger in his eyes.

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