Topanga Matthews

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Riley's POV

I stand there frozen, feeling all the eyes travelling between me and Lucas.

I stare at his eyes. He doesn't seem to know what excactly he just said. In front of Maya. In front of everyone. His eyes are so green and light and beautiful and it feels like they have me in chains. And I don't even want to escape.

I wish we could stay like that. Me and him, in our own bubble but that's life we're talking about. Not a book.

Lucas's eyes drift to Maya, who looks as surprised as everyone. But Maya doesn't look only surprised. She looks fucking devastated. She shakes her head and closes her mouth.

"She'd love to", she says, narrowing her eyes, turns around and leaves.

"Jackass", Farkle whispers and follows her.

"I heard that.", Lucas says but Farkle doesn't look back.

I look at Zay. He is surprised. His eyes are on Lucas's and they are bros so they don't need to talk. Zay just nods and leaves. And Lucas turns to me again.

"Riley...", he starts but doesn't know what to say.

I just shake my head.

I want to tell him, it's okay, I want to tell him that I would love to, I want to go to the party with him, but I am not going to.

So instead of saying "you're really sweet" I say:

"You acted like an asshole.". It's not a lie.

He looks hurt and I hate to say things like that to him, but I can't help it.

"Sorry.", he says.

I know that if I keep looking at him I will just wrap my arms around him and comfort him so I just turn around and leave.


I'm home. My mom won't go to work today so she sits with me at my bay window.

"... and he told me to go with him.", I finish my story.

My mom purses her lips and frowns.

"What did Maya do?", she asks.

"She said that I'd love too."

My mom nods.

"What happened then?"

"Maya, Farkle and Zay left and I was left alone with Lucas."

She looks at me with concern in her eyes.

"What happened?"

I shake my head, not wanting to remember it. But I can't forget it so I might as well tell her.

"I told him that he acted like an asshole and he said he's sorry."

"Riley!", she yells at me.

"I wasn't lying!", I defend myself. "That's not the Lucas I know."

It hurts to say such a thing and I don't know if it's true or not. But my mom does.

"Well, that's exactly the Lucas I know.", she says and I frown at her.

"Lucas Friar. You smile at him and he melts. He doesn't see you as his sister, even when you see him as a brother. You leave and he starts drinking. His mom kicks him out of his house and he only thinks of coming to you."

I shake my head.

"But mom... wait, what?!"

Oh my god, how does she know, how does she know?!!

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