Josh is doing something

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Riley's POV

I sit at my bay window with Farkle.

"Riley, you have to come.", he says.

I shake my head. He wants to throw a party on Saturday. And I AM NOT GOING. Lucas is. Not that I care. But Maya said it was a 'wonderful' idea, so I'm guessing they're both going to be there, making out, once again. NOT THAT I CARE.

"Farkle, I explained. I am not coming."

"Come on! You're going to miss your best friend's party?!", he asks.

I hate to make him sad, but I am not gong back on this.

"Sorry.", I tell him, "I'll make it up to you if you let me."


I shrug.

"I'll do whatever you ask.", I say.

Farkle laughs.

"Remember that.", he says and climbs out of my window, leaving me smiling at the walls of my bedroom.


Saturday, 7:00 o'clock

The party has officially began. I am alone at home. My parents and Auggie left to go to a dinner. Me alone at the house means cuddling on the couch and rewatching every episode of Teen Wolf. And me crying A LOT at season three.

So I am halfway through season two, when my phone rings.

I press my lips into a line. I hate it when people interrupt me when I'm watching Teen Wolf. I pause the episode and pick up the phone.


"Hey Riles, it's me."

"Hey uncle Josh.", I say, recognizing the voice.

"Hello, niece.", he replies, "I called to ask you something."

I frown.

"Of course. What's up?", I ask.

"I am in New York right now to see a friend of mine and I was wondering if I could see Maya. I'm coming by you guys tommorrow."

Awwwww... He asked me if he can see Maya. He's three years older than me, but he still asked for my permission.

Just for that, I have to say 'yes'. I'm a sucker that way.

"Sure, Josh", I sigh, "But she at a party today."


I remain silent and let hime think.

"I'm going.", he tells me after a while.

"What?!", I ask not believing what I'm hearing.

"I'm going. She'll probably be making out with that boyfriend of hers but I'll surprise her."


"Give me the adress, the name of the host and Maya's phone."

I know that there's not a way he'll back off so I sigh again and tell him what he wants to know.


I walk around, with my hands in my pockets. I'm at the square. The square is exactly that; a square. Teenagers go to the square to hang out, walk around, or drink, since all around it are gathered a lot of shops, bars and restaurants.

I'm walking around, even though the weather is cold. The cold air hits my face, as I am waiting for Josh to arrive.

Almost five minutes later I see him approaching me so I walk in his direction.

"Hey.", I say.


He reaches me. I get my hand out of my pocket and hand him a small piece of paper.

"This is the adress, Maya's and Farkel's phone, in case you didn't write them down when I told you through the phone.", I say.

He laughs.

"I am no idiot.", he smiles at me.

"Look at what you're doing!", I say.

He frowns, confused.

"Josh, you're going to Farkle's party, where you are NOT invited, just to find Maya, who used to be my best friend, and tell her that you like her, even though you haven't seen her in years, except this few moments that you spent with her a week ago."

He opens his mouth to object but I cut him off.

"And, you'll probably get your ass kicked by Lucas and I'll take your side even if you're wrong, because you're family and Lucas will hate me--"

"And you're acting like the old Riley, so knock it off. I loved you and I love you, but chill out. Except...", his voice trails off, like he's thinking.

"What just happened?", I ask after a moment.

"You still like Lucas."

It's not a question. He knows. I take a deep breath. I don't disagree with him.

"Why didn't you tell me?", he asks.

I shake my head.

"How could I? How could I when you like Maya and I yelled at you about it? We are both doomed."

I am ready to cry. I know I said it but it's the cold truth and it makes me sad. Josh and I won't get our happy end, not with Lucas or Maya.

"I'll go anyway. You know that, right?", he asks, frowning.

I smile sadly.

"I know you.", I say.

He gives me a hug. He smells good. Funny thng to notice.

"See you.", he says when he pulls away.

I am alone again now. I sit on a bench. I know that in about thirty minutes mh phone will ring and it will be Farkle, Josh, Maya or Lucas. I will get into my mom's car and I will drive to Farkle house (more like a huge mansion but anyway) and I will find Josh or Lucas, or both, bleeding.

Josh is getting in a really shitty situation right now and I didn't stop him. That's not what I do anymore.

I walk home quickly and dress up with something warmer.

I pick black jeans, white converse and a nice grey hoodie. I go to the kitchen and grab a chocolate. And now I wait for my phone to ring. It takes longer than I thought but after about 50 minutes my phone rings and I pick it up.

I'm not even nervous. I got this thing.

"Hello?", I say.

"Riley Matthews!", Farkle, "You need to come here right now!"

I laugh. Whatever Josh did, it was big.

"Okay, Farkle. I'll be there in 10'"

He hangs up and I get up. I put my phone into my pockets, I grab my keys and the rest of my chocolate and get out of our apartment.

I'm guessing this will be a long night.

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