Big fight, wasn't it?

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Riley's POV

I sit with Maya outside history class when he approaches. I stiffen.

"Leave now!", Maya yells getting up.

Charlie throws his hands in the air.

"I just want to talk to Riley", he says.

I get up.

"Riley doesn't want to talk to you.", I say.

He's wearing a blue shirt and his eyes are shining. I want to throw up.

"Come on, Riley.", he pleads.

"I said no, Charlie.", I say. "Leave us alone"


"No?!", Maya gets ready to attack.

I hold her back.

"Charlie leave us alone. We were already bored enough without you boring us to death.", I snap.

"Riley, I'm sorry.", he says. "You're not the bitch, she is. I trusted her and she used me. I'm sorry"

I shake my head.

"Nobody cares.", I say.

"Especially not Riley", Lucas appears.

Charlie turns around and pushes him.

"Who asked you?", he asks

Lucas takes a deep breath.

"Maya, take Riley and leave.", he hisses.

When he sees that we don't move he looks at us.


I am frozen. I hope he doesn't do anything stupid. Maya grabs my arm and leads me in the class.


I sit in my kitchen. The sent us home early today. They didn't say why. I'm afraid it has something to do with Lucas.

At that moment the door opens and Lucas bursts in.

"Lucas.", I say relieved.

He isn't bleeding and he looks fine. He doesn't talk to me. He just opens the freezer and takes a bag of ice. He places it on his knuckle.

The puzzle pieces come together.

"Lucas, you didn't."

"Of course I did."

My eyes turn to the ceiling. If they kick him out and it's my fault...

"You shouldn't have.", I say.

"The guy called you bitch and now he came running back to you to APOLOGIZE. He's an asshole!", he yells.

"I can fight my own fights Lucas!", I answer.

"Riley, I'm your friend! I helped you. That's what--"

"Friends do! I know!", I finish his sentence. "But Lucas, if I wanted protection I would have asked for a bodyguard! But I didn't, I asked fo you!"

He shakes his head.

"He hurt you. I had to do something!"

"Charlie's nothing I can't handle.", I say.

"So you're telling me that you wouldn't forgive him.", he says.

"That's exactly what I'm saying", I nod.

He looks at me.

"Don't lie Riley."

"I'm not lying.", I defend myself. "I am strong enough for this Lucas."

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