What a fun dinner

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Riley's POV

It's Saturday and I get ready for dinner.

I haven't talked with Maya or Lucas since Wednesday. It's awkward, but I don't have a choice.

I'm wearing black jeans, a white T-shirt, my leather jacket and my combat boots. I have my hair up. I have dark lipstick and black eyeliner and mascara on.

I say 'bye' to my parents and I walk out of the house. It's kind of cold outside. I walk. I'm supposed to meet the others at 'Taste In Food', a restaurant close to me house.

Farkle and Zay wouldn't get along with Charlie if it wasn't for me. But all the three of them were my friends so all ths week they've been talking to each other and have fun together.

I walk fastly and I reach the reastaurant second. Farkle's aready there.

"Hey, Farkle.", I say.

He turns at the sound of my voice and looks at me.

"Hey Riley. You look amazing.", he says.

I smile.

"Thank you, Farkle.", I say. "The others are not here yet?", I ask.

"Yes, they are, sugar!"

Sugar. I wonder who could that be.

"Zay.", I say.

He is walking beside Charlie.

"Come on, sugar", he says as he reaches me and Farkle, "I'm really hungry."

He opens the door for me and I walk in.


We've just finished food.

"She is AWSOME!", Zay was saying.

It seems like, Zay and Charlie, both watch Teen Wolf and now they're fighting over who's better; Lydia or Malia?

"Malia's awsome too!", Charlie replies.

"Yeah, but Lydia goes with Stiles!"

"Stiles has a girlfriend and it's Malia."

"But he loves Lydia"

"He USED to LIKE her! Not anymore"

"That's bul--"

"Zay!", Farkle and I say.

He looks at us.

"Are you listening to him?", he asks.

We all laugh. It's not like Zay and Charlie fight seriously. They just didn't have anything better to do.

And then she walks in. Maya walks in with him. My mouth drops.

"Uncle Josh?", I whisper frowning.

I can't believe what I'm seeing. Maya and Josh, together, in a restaurant and no sign of Lucas around. I turn to my friends.

"When Maya sees you, I'm not here!", I say.

I kneel down. My friends avoid looking at me, as crawl between the tables and hide behind some huge pots. The pots are next to the wall and I barely fit between the plants and the wall. Maya and Josh choose a table next to a pot on my left. I move quietly and hide behind it.

Our table is just two tables away and I can hear Farkle talking.

"... she probably didn't know he was still in New York...", he is saying

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