Change of plans

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Riley's POV

It 's today.

The prom is today. I feel ready. Maya doesn't. She in my room freaking out.

Now, this is so out of her usual style but she has never been to a prom with Josh before.

She's going to wear a dark blue dress. Long and sleeveless. She decided to combine her dress with black high heels.

I'll have a really light blue dress on. I glance at it. It's not tight. People have told me that tight dresses really suit me but I really don't feel it. I prefer it when my dresses flow around me.

It's short and very soft. It felt good when I tried it on.

I could sit here and say more but my phone rings.

I see Farkle's photo on the screen and I pick it up, gesturing to Maya to be quiet.


"Hey Riley",Farkle greets. "It's Farkle."

I already knew that and he knows I did but he always says his name when he calls me.

"Hey Farkle. What's up?"

"Everything's okay. Except..."

His voice trails off.

"What? Except what?", I ask.

I listen to him as he sighs.

"Charlie's here.", he says.

I nod. After my conversation with Charlie at Day's I feel totally in piece with him.

"It's okay. We worked it out.", I tell him.

He stays silent for a moment and then starts talking really fast.

"He needs our help. We need to get him to the airport. Come over, alone and I will explain the rest. Do not tell anybody."

And he hangs up. It throw my phone on my bed and frown.

"What's up?", Maya asks, concerned.


I have to come up with a really good lie now.

"Smackle is at his house and she wants to talk to me."


"Smackle wants to talk to you?", Maya raises an eyebrow.

"About dresses.", I say. "I'll be back soon. You can stay here."

Maya gets up.

"Nah, I'll head home.", she tells me. "I'll see you at school"

I smile at her.

"See you there peaches"

She laughs.

"I haven't heard that nickname in a really long time. I like it."

And she climbs out of the window.


Farkle opens up.

He's wearing jeans and a green hoodie. His face is serious.

I walk in and find Charlie sitting on the corner of his bed

"Hey", I say but I'm frowning.

"We don't have a lot of time", he tells me.

My frown gets even wider. I don't manage to even ask him what's going on before he starts talking again.

"I lied. My parents aren't going to Europe. I am. My father had this really big fight with his brother some years ago and they haven't talked since. I need to go there. My cousin needs me to. My dad's not going to accept it so I need you to drive me to the airport."

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