Great. Just, great.

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Riley's POV

Smackle smiles at me.

"I'm sorry Riley.", she says.

I do my best to smile but I feel like my stomach is just a big knot and it keeps me from being happy. I manage to shake my head.

"No, no, everything is fine.",my voice is quite and weak. I check her out, "Wow, look at you! You look great Smackle!"

She flashes me a bright smile.

"Thank you, Riley, so do you."

I don't know if I should hug her. She's Smackle after all. So I just settle for a warm smile. She looks at Maya and Lucas again. I'm guessing they're stll collided that way that you can't really see where the one ends and the other begins, so I just look at her.

"Someone needs to tell them this is a party. People are dancing, not... you know.", she says.

I almost laugh. Smackle never liked physical connection, in any form.

"I completely agree.", I turn around to see Josh is the one talking.

"Hi", he says, "I'm Josh Matthews, Riley's uncle."

Smackle looks even more surprised than Charlie.

"You are unexpectedly hansome for an uncle of a girl my age.", she blurts out.

"Ugh...", Josh says rubbing his neck, "Thanks."



All three of us turn to face Lucas. He is walking to us with Maya under his arm. Please don't come any closer... Maya completely ignores me, but he can't ignore Josh. I catch her mouthing 'uncle boing', looking surprised.

"Josh", Lucas is saying, "Long time no talk"

"Yeah", Josh murmurs, "I kind of wanted to keep it this way"

Lucas can't hear it; the music's too loud, but I can, and I let out a muffled laugh. Josh smiles at me while Lucas is frowning confused.

"You guys should really get a room", I snap and they both seem really surprised.

I guess I have to remind them again that I'm exactly who I was before I left.

"A big one, I'd suggest", Josh adds.

Josh and I have grown to be quite the pair.

"I don't think that's any your buisness.", Maya replies.

Lucas stares at me and then Josh and then back at me. I keep my eyes on Maya. I don't know why I am so mad. I mean, is it really that unexpected? What did I think, that they'd just break up, that easily?

"Excuse me, guys?", Smackle says.

They both turn to look at her and they raise their eyebrows in unison. They look like a couple.

"You're blocking my way.", she says and walks past Lucas, hitting his shoulder. He seems like de doesn't know what the hell is going on. I just feel proud for Smackle. She grew strong.

Josh is narrowing his eyes at Maya.

"I think I'm going to meet some of your new friends, Riley", he says, still not looking at me "since your old ones aren't worth my attention"

He turns around and leaves. He's acting like a son of a bitch, but I let him. He's jealous. Josh is jealous. Of Maya. I wasn't expecting that.

"Well, he grew sweet.", Maya comments, as she looks at him, approaching three girls.

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