Fighting is what we do best

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Lucas's POV

I sit on Zay's bed and play a video game. Or at least I try to.

My mind keeps drifting to that one person, with the dark hair and dark eyes and dark eyeliner. Zay told me that he's going to dinner with her, Farkle and Charlie. I hate that I'm not talking to her. I hate that I don't even say her name when Zay can so casually go to dinner with her. I hate that we're in the same school but we don't even talk to each other.

I hate that I see her smile and I hear her laugh but I can only do that in stolen moments. Moments when no one's looking. Not even her. She doesn't know that I'm starring at her when she isn't looking.

I don't know why. My eyes just drift to her naturally. In music, in history. She looks at the teacher and I look at her. And then I remember. I remember that she left me. Riley left me and she hurt me and Maya was there for me. She helped. She sort of saved me.

I remember the restaurant Zay told me he was going. I leave the video game playing on the TV. I run downstairs and grab my coat.

I try to be fast because if I am slow, I will certainly change my mind and stay in Zay's bedroom, playing a stupid video game.


Riley's POV

Charlie and Farkle sit beside me and on the other side of the table sit Zay, Maya and Josh.

"You lied to me.", Maya tells Farkle.

"You lied to me. When I called you today you said you'd stay at home"

"Change of plans"

"Shut up!" That's Zay "Both of you."

Then he looks at me.

"What are you going to do?", he asks.

I turn my eyes to the table. I don't know what I should do.

"Nothing happened, right? Maya is here to have dinner with a friend of hers just like I am.", I murmur.

"Do you really believe that, Riley?", Farkle asks.

Do I? I do. I know that nothing happened. I something had happened I would tell Lucas. But since nothing happened. I'm ready to answer Farkle's question when I hear him.

"Yes, she does."

Silence has taken over our table as we turn to face Lucas Friar. He is standing behind Farkle, Charlie and me. He is wearing a green hoodie and jeans.

"She actually believes that nothing happened."

He laughs as if he finds it funny. I never intended to be funny.

"She actually believes that her uncle doesn't like my girlfriend."

I get up.

"I never said that. I said that nothing happened. She didn't kiss him and he didn't kiss her.", I defend myself.

"Riley...", he says shaking his head, "That's because you stopped them."

"That's because she's taken", I say. Somehow, I am defending my uncle. I'm saying that he wouldn't kiss her since she's taken. Is that the truth?

Lucas's green eyes have captured me once again. We are the only ones standing and even though the whole resaturant is, it feels like we're then only ones talking. God, I have missed him. I haven't talked to him in days. I know that he prefers me in dresses so I feel a bit awkward in my leather jacket but I keep my eyes steady on his.

I've missed talking to him.

After a whole minute he raises his eyebrows.

"May I join the party?", he asks.

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