He's something I don't deserve

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Riley's POV

The blonde girl comes back behind Lucas, holding two beers. Lucas doesn't realise it. He stares at me with sad eyes. I can't focus neither to be honest.

He said he loves me. So why isn't he making a move? Why am I not?

I take a step forward but he shakes his head.

"I can't do this Riley."

"Do what?", the unknown girl interrupts.

We both give her two annoyed looks. Then we return to each other.

"Why not?", I ask.

"Because only half of you is in it. And I like you too much to be satisfied with that.", he says.

"Wait.", the blonde says. "You like her?"

Lucas turns his head and looks at her.

"I don't even know you.", he says causing me to frown.

"But we danced together.", she says.

"You are drunk!"

The girl pretends to be hurt and finally leaves us.

I can't help but laugh at her ridiculous behavior. My laugh doesn't last long though, as I turn back to Lucas

"We're done here Riley.", he tells me and leaves the gym.

He's very handome in his black suit and I'm way too dirty after my trip to the airport. But I follow him.

"You know Lucas,", I say, "You are might be done but I'm not."

"Leave it alone Riley!", he yells.

Now that we're outside the gym it's easy to hear him.

"No!", I find the courage to say. "All of me is in it and if you don't want to accept, fine, but--"

"I waited outside the school for a whole hour!", he says. "I called you but you didn't answer."

Fuck. My phone must have been out of battery without me knowing.

"I was so worried, Riley. And you were just doing something with Gardner."

"I helped him leave!", I yell. "I helped him go to Europe."

"Why did he even need your help?", Lucas asks.

I tell him the story but he doesn't turn around. He just listens. Once I'm finished he finally faces me.

"You're changed Riley but you're still so kind.", he comments.

I frown and try to smile at him.

"Some things don't change I guess.", I say.

He forces a laugh.

"You should have been here. You should have called, even.", he says.

I want to kill myself for not doing it.

"I know...", I say. "But that moment it just... it didn't cross my mind."

He walks closer to me and puts some of my wild hair behind my ear.

"I can't believe you fell.", he smiles.

I know it's supposed to be funny but I can't help but think how Lucas and I look. He is handsome as hell and I'm... well, me. Dirty and with awful hair.

Lucas probably reads my mind so he forces me to look at him in the eyes with a soft touch on my chin and says:

"You're beautiful.", he tells me.

I smile at him. I can't believe that he thinks that and I can't believe that I have him.

He rests his forhead on mine and we're breathing the same air. I take a deep breath. I like his scent. It reminds me of fresh air and rain and...

"Riley", he whispers.

I open my eyes.

"Friar.", I smile.

"You are hot", he says.

He leans closer and I stand on my tiptoes to touch his lips.

It feels good, having his soft lils on mine. Be doesn't know it, but for me every kiss matters. Every kiss is something to remember.


He opens the door for me and I'm out in the rain again.

We leave his car and he quickly knocks the door of his house.

I can tell he's nervous to go back there but he suggested we should come. He said it would be easier if we did it together. He can't stay with Zay forever, anyway.

A blonde woman opens the door. She's dressed in grey sweatpants and a grey t-shirt. Her eyes are darker than Lucas' but it's crystal clear that she's his mother. Her dark eyes immediately focus on him and ignore me.

"Lucas", she says and her voice is full of relief.

She hugs him. Behind her shoulder Lucas looks at me and I give him a smile.

"Thank god, Lucas!", the woman says. "You didn't answer any of my calls, I was so worried."

"I didn't want to talk to you."

I raise my eyebrows and his mother pulls away. It's a pretty awkward moment, as you can guess.

"So can we come in, mrs. Friar?", I ask quietly, mostly to break the silence.

"Of course.", she answers. "And darling, call me Jane."

I smile politely as she turns around and lets us in.

The house is messy. Paper boxes are here and there, with beer bottles in them.

"They're empty.", mrs. Friar says.

I look at her.

"I'm sorry, I was just curious", I blush.

To my surprise, she laughs.

"Don't worry about it kiddo.", she says.

Lucas is frowning.

"So why do you have empty beer bottles in boxes?", he asks.

His mom takes a deep breath.

"I decided to stop drinking. And I'm going to throw all these bottles away."

I smile and look at Lucas. His eyebrows are raised but a smile is playing in the corners of his mouth.

"Stop drinking?", he asks. "You've never tried that before."

Mrs. Friar smiles.

"Well, I do now.", she says. "Do you kids want tee? I can make you some tee."

Lucas looks at me. I smile at him, then look at his mother's back and at him again. He shrugs and pretends to be cool but I know he's happier than he've ever been. That's so not how I expected prom night.

"Some tee would be great", I say and get in the kitchen.

The next chapter is probably going to be the last one <3

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