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Riley's POV

The other day I walk to school, feeling sleepy.

"Hey princess."

Lucas appears next to me. The "sleepy" feeling goes away immediately, as I smile at him.

"I really need to find a nickname for you.", I comment.

"Prince could work.", he suggests, smiling.

"Nah.", I say, even though he feels like one. "You're more like a frog or something"

He narrowes his eyes.

"Ouch.", he says and I laugh.

"You remember that princess kissed the frog right?", he adds.

I sigh.

"I always hated that princess.", I say and he laughs.

"So where's Zay?", I ask. I know Lucas crashes in his.

"In school already. Everyday he wakes up way too early just to get to school earlier than the others. I don't know why."

I laugh.

"Hey, remember the prom we were talking about yesterday?", he asks.

I nod. Of course I do.

"Here's the best part", he tells me, "The prom has a theme."

"Oh no.", I say. "Please tell me it had absolutely nothing to do with with frogs."

He looks at me adn he eyes are blank. I realise what I said.

"Princes. Oh god, tell me it had nothing to do with princes." ,I laugh.

He does too, and his laugh warms the cold morning.

"Let me announce you the prom theme.", he says with his formal voice. "Ladies and Gentlemen, the theme is... THE PRINCESS ANDTHE PRINCE!"

I want to hit my head to a wall.

"Seriously?! Hoe old do they think we are?", I ask.

"Come on, Riley", Lucas says playfully, "Everyone voted for this theme. They want to dress up like this at least once before they become adults and turn serious."

"Whatever", I sigh.

Lucas laughs.

"I hope you know how to slow dance.", he tells me.

I look at him.

"Slow dance?", I ask. He knows I know how to slow dance.

"Well, not exactly", he explains. "When they say princess and prince they really mean it. This week, in gym, we will learn how to dance a special dance. It has a weird name, as far as I can remember."

"How do you know all this?", I ask him.

He smiles.

"Zay and I heard some teachers talking about it. I mean the prom was announced weeks ago. We just didn't know the theme"

I sigh agaian. Now I'll have to dress up like a princess and dance with Charlie. Great.

We arrive a school and Charlie is waiting for me outside. He does it a lot.

"Morning Charlie", I say casually.

"Hey.", he replies, but his eyes are on Lucas.

Lucas doesn't say anything and neither does Charlie.

"Wanna do something after school?", he asks. "I'm going to Farkle's to play videogames and then we can go wherever you want."

I think about it.

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