Chapter 2: School and Lacrosse

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Me: I don't own the Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus series or Teen Wolf!


Stiles: There's someone at the door. . .

Ninja: It's been my lifelong dream to be in the disclaimer!

Me: . . . How'd you get in?

Ninja: Ninjas have their ways. . .

Stiles: That's not creepy at all!

Ninja: Hey Stiles!

Stiles: HoW dO yOu KnOw My NaMe? O_O

Me: Well if your one of the most loveable characters on a famoose TV show, it's bound that some people are going to know who you are.

Stiles: Oh.

Ninja: Now... ON WITH THE STORY!

Me: Hey, just because you got on set doesn't mean you can take my line.

Ninja: ._.




The door swung open to reveal a guy, about Scott's age, with raven black hair, sea-green eyes, and a strong build.

Scott's mom came down from upstairs with her phone in hand.

"Percy! I just got off the phone with your mom."

Scott POV

I was bewildered. Why was there a random guy, who's name is apparently Percy, here with a suitcase like he's going to move in? And more importantly, how does mom know him?

Mom looked at me and almost looked like she could read my thoughts. It scared me a little.

"Scott, this is Percy. My friend Sally's son. Percy," Mom turned to the teenage guy at the door, "This is Scott, my son."

I smiled fakely at Percy. "Nice to meet you Percy. No offence, but why are you here?" I asked. Percy grimaced and scratched the back of his neck like he was coming up with an excuse.

"I, uh, just needed to get away from the big city, y'know?" He said, and even if I wasn't a werewolf I could tell he was lying.

"Yeah, okay," I didn't really trust this guy. He radiates some type of power, but not werewolfish. It was pretty fishy if you ask me. (LOL)

Mom suddenly spoke, "Well, Scott, do you mind taking Percy to school and showing him around?" She said in a pleading tone.


Percy then packed a quick backpack, and mom handed him money for lunch. I was riding with Stiles today, so we stood outside and waited for him.

"So... What was New York like?" I asked, trying to make small talk.

His eyes gleamed with happiness. "It's amazing there. I love the city." He paused for a short moment, "But I needed a break from it all."

We continued with our awkward small talk when Stiles' blue jeep pulled up.

"Hey Scott. I see you've made a friend," Stiles said as I climbed in shotgun and Percy took the back. Stiles then motioned for me to introduce him with more jerks of the head than necessary.

"Oh, Stiles, this is Percy, my mom's, friend's son. Percy, this is Stiles, my best friend," I said as Stiles and Percy exchanged hellos.

Once we were at school, I jumped out of the car, along with Stiles and Percy. As we walked through the halls I saw a bunch of girls staring at us, and then I realized they were staring at Percy.

Percy POV

As I walked through the halls of Beacon Hills Highschool for the first time, I realized a lot of girls were staring at me. I really wanted to tell them I had a girlfriend, but thought better of it.

When I got my schedule, I had everything Scott had, except I got worldlit and marine biology, while he had writing and chemistry. Fortunately, worldlit and writing were across the hall, but marine bio and chemistry were across the school, so I had to figure out how to get there myself. Let's just say I ended up in five different classrooms until I found it.

Timeskip to after school cause I'm lazy and tired.

After school, I met all of Scott's 'pack' (as Stiles described it) and got to know them. Then, it was lacrosse try-outs.

So, it's the original pack (Scott, Stiles, Allison, Lydia, and Derek-but Percy didn't meet Derek yet) Scott's a werewolf, but Jacksons not there. Just wanted to clear that up.

Scott was captain, and Stiles sat the bench. I was up in the stands with Lydia and Allison, when Coach Finstock yelled for me to get my 'bootie' down there for practice.

"Sorry coach! I'm not trying out!" I said. Lacrosse wasn't really my thing. If it was swim team sure, but not lacrosse.

Coach Finstock grumbled in response. "Get down here and try out or I'll lower your grades!"

I was shocked. There was one thing running through my head, 'Can he even do that?' I assumed not, but I didn't want to take my chances. I ran off the stands and onto the field. Coach pushed me a jersey and helmet into my hands. I swiftly ran to the guys room and changed. I jogged back out and coach then threw me a lacrosse stick.

"Have you ever played before?" Coach asked.

"Nope!" I answered. I was a little too busy with 'saving the world from disaster', and cliché stuff like that, so I didn't have much time for sports.

"Well, the goal is to throw the ball with your stick, into the net if you're on offence. If your on defence stop the person from getting the ball into the net. It gets a little rough. Can you handle that?" He questioned.

"Yes coach!" I said in a ridgid position.

Finstock then yelled for Scott to be goalie. "Go whenever you're ready!" Coach yelled. I took a stance I saw the other players used. I ran, and I threw the ball at Scott.

How did I know this wasn't going to end well?


It seemed kind of rushed. I'm so sorry! I'll make the next one better! I promise! (But that's kind of matter of opinion, so...)




~MStyle & Ninja

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