Chapter 9: The Silence

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Me: Hey guys! I'm sorry for not updating as much! My mum took away my phone, and uhh...

Leo and Ninja: *whispers* She spends a lot of time reading Danfics! *enter evil face here*

Me: Hey!

Leo: Is for horses!

Stiles: What did I miss?

Me: *stares* Just... ON WITH THE STORY! *mumbles* Gods what do I do with my life....



Percy had been a ghost these past few days. He wouldn't sleep, he'd just lay there awake staring at the ceiling. He wouldn't eat when my mom brought food in. He didn't go to school, he barely even left his room. He really didn't have to today anyway, because today was finally Saturday.

All of a sudden my phone started ringing.

"Hey Scott, meet us at Derek's place, we're gonna try and track this thing that's been terrorizing him. Okay thanks see you in thirty minutes, bye. Oh, yeah I forgot, its Stiles if you haven't already noticed." Stiles said over the phone.

Mom was at work today so it was just me and Percy at the house, soon to only be Percy. I walked to his room and decided not to go in.

"Hey Percy, how's it going?" I called through the door. I got no answer. That's nothing new. "Well, I'm going with Stiles and them and decided to see if you wanted to come. You probably don't, based on the amount of human interactions you have had these past few days. Just thought I'd be polite and ask."

I walked out the door and immediately headed to the Hale house. Upon arrival, I noticed the stench and equally horrible giant poop all over the yard. Everyone was on the porch.

"Yep. I see how this thing was terrorizing you." I said to them after making my way to the porch, avoiding the poop.

"Exactly." Derek mumbled.

"Describe what it looked like." Stiles said.

"It looked like a giant black dog." Derek stated.

"Describe giant." Stiles asked.

"The thing was bigger than a tank." Derek told us.

"Describe how it sounded." Stiles demanded.

"Like an artillery gun." Derek said.

"Describe–" Stiles started.

"Shut up Stiles." Derek growled.

"Will do." Stiles replied.

"How long ago was it here?" Lydia asked.

"Hour and a half maybe?" Derek said.

"Which way?" I questioned.

"Well I'm just guessing that way. We should consider following the giant footprints." Alison stated.

"Good idea. Let's go." Lydia agreed.

"What are we gonna do when we find this thing?" Stiles asked.

"Probably just wing it." I suggested. They all agreed. It normally works.


After Scott left to go find the whatever, I decided enough was enough and I was going to go outside before I exploded. I headed toward the woods because I also decided that would be the best place to explode.

The New Kid. {Percy Jackson/Teen Wolf Crossover} [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now