Chapter 6: Everything Went Downhill... Literally

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Me: Hiya peeps!

Leo: Wait... They're marshmallows?!?

Me: *facepalm*

Stiles: ...

Me: Just do the disclaimer Leo.

Leo: MStyle and Ninja do not own the Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus series or Teen Wolf.

Me: Good. Now...

Stiles: Now I want a marshmallow!

Me: Shut up M-

Stiles: No! I draw the line at my name!

Me: Fine Stilinski. Just don't interrupt me again.

Stiles: Fine.

Me: Okay. Now... ON WITH THE STORY!



After the whole Stiles incident, we realized we were late for school.

"Can we just ditch?" Stiles asked. I shrugged. I really wouldn't mind ditching, after all, I would be going to Camp Jupiter instead of a normal collage, so it wouldn't really matter if I had high grades, unexcused absences or anything. Although mom encourages to study and get good grades, but that's a high bar for me with dyslexia and stuff. Then I realized I kind of tuned out, so I jumped back into the conversation.

"I wouldn't mind ditching. What about you Scott?" I asked. Scott looked itchy.

"Well," He started, "My mom won't be happy with me... Or you Percy..." He trailed off.

"We're already late for school," Stiles argued, "Unless we got there before the first bell, which is three minutes away." I nodded in agreement.

Scott looked like he was thinking. "Well... Fine. But your taking the blame Percy," The McCall said and I shrugged and agreed to his condition. Stiles clapped his back.

"Welcome to the wonderful path of ditching my friend. Welcome," Stiles said. Scott flinched.

"So... What are we going to do?" I asked. Scott and Stiles shrugged.

"What do you want to do?" Stiles asked.

"Well..." I started, thinking of all the things we could do, "We could find clues on the mask girl." Stiles beamed.

"Yes! Perfect!" He practically shouted, pumping his fist in the air. "Operation ditching and clues is a go!" Scott snorted.

"Creative name," He said, and Stiles scoffed.


When I suggested searching for clues, I thought it was a good idea.

I've never been so wrong.

Trust me when I say it say it was a bad idea. I've had plenty of those before.

It all started with mildly searching in the woods for any trace of her, not in depth, when we came across some hellhounds. (Percy's type of hellhound) I was the only person to see them at first, but I knew that Scott and Stiles could probably see them if they were in their line of sight with all the supernatural they've delt with. Maybe they could be affected by the mist, but be able to see through it. I inwardly shrugged because if I continued, I would confuse myself.

"Hey guys, how about we spilt up and look. Then we can cover more ground," I suggested as an excuse for me to fight the heavy-breathing dogs five feet from me. Scott and Stiles nodded and split apart. Once I figured they were out of sight I took out Riptide and took the hellhounds down. Only getting a minor scratch on the side, I deemed it as a win. Scott, not a second earlier, came back.

Scott looked confused. "How's you get that scratch?" He asked. "It looks painful..." I looked down. It wasn't too bad. It only grazed my skin, from the right of my belly button to the left of my spine. It only had a few trails of blood, and the only thing that was ruined was my clothes, as it had a giant rip and blood stains. I scratched the back of my neck.

"I-uh, fell down a hill, and a branch scratched me?"

"Uh-huh. Show me the hill," Scott said and I mentally cursed.  I forgot to use the mist.

I walked in a random direction and luckily found a hill. Thank you so much whoever the hill god is, I thought. Scott looked impressed.

"How did you fall?" He asked. I turned myself to show the general way I fell, but ended up falling down the hill, and unfortunately for Scott, took him down with me. As we tumbled down the hill, I got even more scratched and bruises.

"Yep," I grunted, "that's how I fell." Scott simply looked at me with a slightly annoyed, blank face.

It was kind of weird that for me, falling down a hill caused more damage to my body than fighting a big black dog on steroids. I burst out laughing at how ironic it was.

"What?" Scott asked, lifting himself up on his elbows. I hesitated and Scott looked like he was staring into my soul.

Dam werewolves are creepy. (Spelling intended)

It got to a point where I felt the smallest droplet of sweat roll of my neck. "I-I was laughing at a joke?" Scott could easily know I was lying. Whether it was that I radomly started laughing like a maniac, was two minutes late to answer why, or that I was the color of a lady dangling by her feet and all the blood rushed to her face, I don't know honestly. Probably all of them.

"What joke?" Scott asked, mildy amused. It was as if this was a game. A game to see if I would actually tell the truth for once.

I inwardly stuttered. "Uh- what did the triangle say to the circle?" I asked and cringed at the stupidness of the joke.

"What?" Scott asked, a small grin playing on his lips.

I waited a second to remember what the rest of the joke was.

"Your pointless."

It was those two words that could've made Scott cringe for life, or cry due to laughter. But after I spoke I tuned out, both eyes and ears, because if he cringes for life, I don't want to see or hear that.

Then I started thinking, from if I could feed Mrs. O'Leary peanut butter to how Annabeth was doing. Then I came up with the question that was most on my mind: Why couldn't I tell the pack I'm a demigod? I mean, Scott's practically family now that I'm living with him, and the rest of the pack seemed pretty trustworthy. But there was always that nagging sensation in the back of my head telling me, that's a huge mistake, and, that's the wrong choice. Don't trust them. Then I remembered what my mom told me once, "Sometimes Percy, you have to follow your heart. Not your brain, or the people around you. Do what's best for you, and the rest will fall into place."

I decided to tell him.






~MStyle & Ninja

The New Kid. {Percy Jackson/Teen Wolf Crossover} [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now