Chapter 17 - Hell Hospital

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I slowly opened my eyes to reveal what I most dreaded, the whole thing, not just where I am. Yes, I am surrounded by bright white walls, yes I am in a hospital bed with a bunch of cords and stuff including a mask. The worst part?

“Hello sweetie! I didn’t think you’d make it! Nobody did! They were about to pull the chords but I saw your eyeballs start moving around and you started talking to yourself and asking yourself questions and waiting as if somebody were answering. I did eventually begin answering because I thought you were waiting for me to answer and stuff but then you started asking completely irrelevant questions to what I was saying and I think you called me God. Were you talking to God? Oh My God! Why didn’t you tell me? Oh and was he answering? Wow I’ve been trying to talk to him for years! What did he say? Wait, wait was Taka in your dream too? That. Is. So. Cool. Hmm, if I  were to talk to God, I would bring… You! Yes YOU could come. Yes, I can’t leave you alone unsupervised by an adult anymore either because otherwise you might run away again. Where did you run to anyway and how did this happen to you? Did Taka go there with you too? Hey, your hair is longer is that how this happened to you? You ran off to the chemist, stole some hair-growing stuff, got caught and went to gaol, the horrible people there beat you up then here you are! Oh. My. God. I am so disappointed in you! You and Taka can live at our house while you’re recovering since Taka’s parents are still on their holiday at Thailand but after that, you’re gone! I never want to see you again! 1 and month … that’s all you got!”

And with that, she left. Yeh, mum tends to over exaggerate a bit. She is also a talkaholic – big time, it’s a bit annoying really. You get used to it though.

“So… you never want to see me again once I’m fully recovered?” I asked to make sure I heard what I thought I was hearing.

“Yup! You and Taka are commin’ back to your father and I’s place and staying for only one month then your leaving. Have I made myself clear?” She asked, I nodded and she stormed out the room. When she saw dad she lit up and together they skipped out the door.


You haven’t met my family or Taka’s family yet:

Yeh, In case you haven’t noticed mums kind of bipolar and she’s never really liked me, she wanted a boy. When I was little she dressed me as a boy until I was old enough to choose my own clothes. Now I have a little brother who she pretty much worships. She probably didn’t even realize I had gone. Good moments and bad moments, this is a good one. I’m surprised she even offered for me, let alone Taka, to stay at her house.

Taka has a nice, normal family who have a normal income, whereas in my family, mum doesn’t work and dad works part time at Macca’s and we somehow have all this money. We live in a mansion. In Taka’s family; she has a little brother who has a name but Taka just calls him brother, a mum who’s a doctor and a dad who also works part time a Macca’s with my dad – that’s how Taka and I met.  Taka’s family were rich when we first met them, apparently her dad used to be in a famous Japanese band but then retired after 15 years when he realised he had plenty of money to last him years. After a bit he got lonely because Taka’s mum didn’t want to quit her job yet, so he got a job at Macca’s to meet some friends – he met dad. 16 years later and here we are.

Yeh, he retired pretty early.

Anyway, enough about my family and Taka’s family.


“Minigeisha?” I heard Taka groan. Where is she anyway? I tried to sit up.

“OUCH!” I heard someone yell, oh, right, that’s me.  I should probably not sit up. Instead, I just looked around the room while lying down. Nope, nothing but roof. A craned my neck to the right, really slowly ignoring the pain. A little more, a little more… whiteness. Oh, there’s a wall there. I did all that work just to see a wall? I sighed and started craning my neck the other way. Slowly, slowly. Slow and steady wins the race – they also get less pain. Stuff this, it’s too slow. I whipped my head all the way to the left. Oww!

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