If Your Girl Only Knew (Niall)

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You met Niall in a bar. You guys were gonna hook up at his place when he got a phone call.

From his girlfriend. Now if you knew Niall had a gf you wouldn't have messed around with him. So you didn't.

But it doesn't mean you didn't want him. Even though ya'll met by trying to hook up with each other him having a girlfriend is not something you want to mess with. You like him yes but you let him know the only way ya'll could ever have something is if his girl was out the picture.

After finding out he had a girlfriend you just remained friends.

Niall still tried to do things though.
Little kisses here and there. You were quick to stop them from going anywhere else.

It's kinda hard to resist though. You like Niall a lot. But then you think about if you were in his girls shoes. You wouldn't want anyone to feel that kinda pain.

Niall was at your place right now, and you felt like you had to tell him something.


Niall sat next to you wrapping his arms around you. Kissing your cheek.
"Yes, my mocha cream cake."

You giggled at his little comparison. Then you frowned, But this has have to end. At least until he ends it with his girl. You don't want to be the other girl, even though you already kinda were.

"Niall, this little thing we got going on- You took a deep breath- It can't keep going on, what would your girl do if she found out about all this? Huh?"

Niall couldn't answer. He was really confused by the change of events.

"Exactly. You don't even know your girl anymore. You're barely aroumd her because of me. But I bet you know what I would do, right?"

Niall answered. "Yes, I know exactly what you would do."

This made you smile even though it felt bad.

In a somewhat happy tone you asked:
"What would I do?"

Niall stared at the ground.

" You'd probably curse me out, block me from your phone, and beat the sh*t outta me."

"That's right. So this has to end as much as I want to hug you and kiss you like all couples do, we aren't a couple. I'm pratically your mistress, and thats sad." This hurt to say for you.

Niall got up from the coach grabbing his coat. Walking towards the door before he walked out he said something you would never forget.

"I'll always love you, y/n"

Before you could reply he closed the door. The last thing you heard were his foot steps.

That's the last time you ever saw him.

I'm a Niall girl this shiit hurts fam.

*Hazel London voice* dats sed (thats sad)
Sorry if the way I write is weird I tend to write the way I talk.

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