Chapter 1

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The constant buzzing of the alarm disturbed my sleep. I covered my head with the blanket hopping that it would somehow reduce the sound. But alas it barely helped. I pulled out one hand from under my blanket and tried to reach the bedside table. After struggling a lot I could finally turn the stupid alarm off, but not before spilling some of the other contents on the floor. Soon I settled back in the cozy warmth of my bed and drifted off to sleep.

I jumped out of my bed and landed straight on the floor. There was a chilly cold feeling in my upper part that was now completely drenched in water and a sharp pain on my ass due to the hard landing.

I stood up rubbing my back and looked at the person responsible for this mishap. "You are so dead, Cabir.", I shouted before I charged at him.

He dogged me and ran down the stairs. I followed him and in my enthusiasm to catch him I missed the next 3 steps......

And Baaaammmmm

I was on the floor flat on my stomach.

"Stupid bloody stair," I cried  holding my stomach in pain. Cabir was also on the floor but it was not due to pain but laughter.

"Its a sight to catch....seriously, Manik.... ," and he shamelessly laughed at my plight.

I hate brothers. I screamed while my mom came hearing my shouts. She looked at both of us and charged towards Cabir,
" What is this huh? Why are you playing pranks on him since Morning.", she shouted at him while helping me up.

I steadied myself on foot and found Cabir smirking at me. The next moment I had him by his neck trying to strangulate him. He tried to push me away but could not move me by an inch.....

How can he .... I am the tall giant.

My mom looked at both of us in disbelief and said," Get your self done with this stupid act of yours and be at the breakfast table in 20 min." And stormed off to the kitchen.

"Manik please let me go....," Cabir pleaded but I was in no mood to leave him. I need to settle scores. " Not so fast, little bro...," and it was my turn to smirk.

"Let me remind you that if you are thinking of killing me then who will help you with your packing for tomorrow.", Cabir uttered trying to remove my hand from his neck.

I immediately let go of him as reality dawned on me.....Shit. I had forgotten to do my packing. And from tomorrow the college begins.

I ran upstairs and entered into the my room. Without wasting time I changed my drenched tee and freshened up. I looked around my room and then at the clock.

It was already 11 in the morning and I had to do the packing for the next 4 years in such a short time. Moreover packing my stuff would require a hell lot of time as none of my things are placed at their places.

There were shirts socks pants wrappers books comics CDs everything all over my room. I helplessly stared at the mess.

"Manik!!!!", mom screamed and broke my chain of thoughts. I went downstairs this time slowly cause I didn't want to end up on the floor on my stomach again.

I was munching on my bacon when my mom asked,
"Everything set?", with a wide smile on her face.

I blanky looked at her and asked," For what?"

The smile vanished and was replaced by a frown as she answered," Don't tell me Manik you have not yet done your packing?".

"I will do it mom," I replied though I had enough doubts about it.

"Oh....Manik what will I do with you?", she spoke frustrated.

"Throw him with garbage," Cabir casually added sipping his juice. And was awarded by a glare from both me and mom.

She then turned her attention back to me," Manik why don't you take things seriously. You are going to college now. There you will be staying on you own for 4 years and I won't be there to remind you about your stuff.", she spoke trying to put some knowledge into her son's head.

"Mom... I can manage," I added grumpily as I finished off my juice.

She took the plates and spoke again," Now go upstairs and complete all the packing. And don't you dare to come down before that.".

"Stop treating me like a 5year old, Mom," I replied being quite irritated.

She rolled her eyes at me as I headed upstairs and muttered,
" As if you are any better."


It was 6 in the evening when I finally packed all the necessary stuff in 3bags 1 trolley and a backpack.

I was going to George town college, my dream was coming true. I was so happy. I had worked my ass up to get into the place and that included skipping parties clubs nightouts. My hard work paid off.

I happily walked down humming some random tunes. I found Cabir on the couch playing video games. I joined him too and soon we were not only fighting virtually but also in reality.


During dinner we mostly talked about college. Dad gave me a long list of dos and don'ts. Finally they let me go off to my room so that I can rest before my big day tomorrow.

I lied in my bed thinking of what's gonna happen tomorrow. I was restless and wanted to go there as soon as possible. I tried to calm myself and closed my eyes and said to myself, Big day tomorrow.. Manik...... And let the sleep take over me.

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