Chapter 8

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The unmistakable grave and deadly voice of Rahul sounded as the door creaked open........

I am dead.

Or will be in the next few minutes but to my horror Nandini shouted or rather screamed like the girls you see in soap operas

"Stop, don't come in.", she screamed out the words.

Rahul stopped and I should have used those freaking few seconds to get cover but I stayed there beside Nandini certifying myself in the list of the world renowned idiots.

"Nandu am sorry..... I can explain.", came Rahul's voice calm and composed.

I was amazed that he had not entered banging the door. Rather that hot head had respected his girl's wish and stayed outside.

"Baby?", his voice sounded again a little irritated.

Nandini and I exchanged a glance basically trying to find ways of escape but her idiot boyfriend made it tougher as he declared," Am coming in Nandini"

And with that I was shoved into the washroom and the door closed on me locking me in Nandini's washroom.

I don't have a single idea whether I was saved or thrown into a deeper pit.

But momentarily I am away from the monster.

I settled myself on the closed toilet as I had no idea for how long am I going to remain trapped in a girls washroom.

I hang my head down and ran my fingers through my hair.

Dhruv was right.

This girl is trouble.

I should stay away from her. Am chasing a thing which don't even belong to me. I am not here to run around a girl like a love sick puppy.

I carefully turned on the tap allowing only a trickle of water flow. I obviously don't want to blow up my cover.

I washed my face and the water refreshed me.
It was an eventful and a tiring day.

I heard the lock open from outside and for a split second I stopped breathing but Nandini peeped her head in and that relaxed me.

"He is gone.", she announced.

I heaved a sigh of relief and got out into her room.

"I should leave too. Have classes tomorrow.", I spoke as I walked up to her door.

She just nodded her head and accompanied me.

"Bye", I waved at her like the five year olds and she gave one of her small smiles.

Though I would want one of those huge grins of her but I can also live with her small smiles too, it gives her a soft angelic look.

Manik stop I shouted at myself
and I turned around to leave but like in the movies she stopped me

"Hey", she called and stepped closer to me.

"Yeah?", I asked.

"Would you like to meet after the classes tomorrow..", She asked in an almost inaudible voice.

"What?", my vocals betrayed me and openly showed my surprise.

"Nothing", she murmured.

For a moment I thought whether I heard right or not. I so wanted to say yes but something stopped me.

"Bye!", she sounded dejected.

And that's it. I can't she this girl low, without her smiles even if it meant personal pain and thus I gave in

"By the way if you're wondering, I wouldn't mind meeting you after classes unless you promise me FBI protection from your murderous boyfriend.", I replied with a serious face.

She chuckled," I may not be able to give you FBI one but you will surely have the Nandini protection on.....".

I smiled.

"Will see you tomorrow.", I confirmed before giving her one last look and moved to my room.

I stopped in front of Room 320.
I looked in the direction of her room but she had already entered. An involuntary smile flashed across my face as I felt happy with the thought of meeting her the next day.

And me being happy means trouble for my closed ones as it was going to be a horrendous experience for Dhruv.

I banged on the door.

"Open up you rat.", I hissed trying to bring that death edge to my voice that Rahul has.

"Playing around with my girl huh!!", I banged one again.

There was dead silence and for a moment I thought Dhruv was not in but his scared voice assured me he was in the act.

"Rahul..... Dude you are getting it all wrong", he meekly squeaked.

I was dying to see his face.

I am sure that would be a million dollar pic.

But I focused on my plan. As I spoke again," Wrong.... You better open this door unless you want me break it open."

I could literally hear Dhruv gulp.
I mentally counted till ten and when there was no approach from Dhruv I took out my keys from my jeans pocket and opened the lock.

I braced myself for a hilarious sight and turned the knob and opened the door.

And not only did I get the sight expected but was rewarded with much more.

Dhruv was cuddled in the corner with one of the sheets covering him from head to toe.

Did he really believe that a white sheet will be able to save him from Rahul.

I walked up to to him and with a swift move snatched his sheet away

"Sorry sorry", Dhruv fervently prayed with his eyes closed

The next moment I was on the floor breaking into fits of laughter.

Not only was Dhruv hiding, pleading, but he also peed his pants......

"Manik", his growl erupted but I was lost in my laughs.

"I am going to kill you.... You son of a .......", and with that he leaped on me.

God wonder what these four years have in store for me.......

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