Chapter 4

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I looked through board and soon spotted her, I mean her name.....

Nandini Moorthy, Room no-324

She is also in her Freshman year and we had our dorm rooms in the same hall.

"Hey Buddy, found yours?", Dhruv nudged me from the side.

No dude I was finding her room, let me check mine now.

"Nope.... Just wait a sec. Uhh its 320....", I gasped with joy, just four rooms away.

"Oh God. Mine is 320 too. We are roommates man!", he added a wide smile across his face.

I patted his back and said,"Don't get so excited you are going to get sick of me....."

"Yeah!", he chuckled.

"Let's get the schedules", Dhruv added and dragged me to some office room with a desk and a lady with a whole bunch of files.

"Yes?", she asked as we entered.

"The schedules Mam," Dhruv told her politely as I stood beside him.


"Dhruv Vedant"

The lady went through the papers and after few seconds passed a key and a file to him.

"Here you go Mr. Vedant. And yours?", she turned to me dismissing Dhruv.

"Manik..... Manik Malhotra", I replied.

And within another few seconds I had my dorm keys and my schedule. We muttered a thanks to her before leaving.

Dhruv and me headed to the dorms. We walked silently while climbing the stairs, our room was on the first floor along with Nandini.

I reached the door with 320 on it. I placed my trolley and bag on the ground and looked at Dhruv. He was still on the stairs dragging his oversized luggage.

"Dude...... Want a help with that?", I asked pointing to his baggage.

"Nah; I am fine", he replied continuing with his dragging.

I let out a chuckle as I took out the key from my pocket. I opened the door and found a room with two single beds, two tables, and a common sofa.

I pulled my bags inside. Then I helped Dhruv get his bags in. He immediately lied flat on the nearest bed with his hands flung open.

"That was heavy......", he let out a breathe.

"What did you get here.... Man. I think that weighted more than a blue whale.", I laughed at him as I settled on the other bed and rubbed off my sweat.

"That was a pathetic joke, Manik", Dhruv rolled his eyes at me.

"Whatever.....", I replied and got up from bed and headed to my bags. I picked up a dark blue one and placed it on the bed. I zipped it open to pull out a fresh set of shirt and pants.

Dhruv silently watched me take them out and I saw him sitting up on his bed.

"What?", I asked him.

"Nothing", he replied.

I ignored him and headed to the washroom and as I was going to open the door, Dhruv rushed against me and the next second he closed the door on me with a bang.

I could hear him laugh his heart out inside the washroom.

"Get the hell out, you idiot", I banged on the door.

"Not soon, you better get a look outside", he suggested.

I thought I would be getting rid of this pranks since I got away from Cabir, but guess I now have Dhruv.

I threw my clothes back on the bed and shouted," You know you can't stay inside forever. Just wait till you get out Vedant!".

I walked out in my sweated shirt and dirty pants.... That I got due to the fight earlier.


Nandini. The image of the beautiful girl flashed through my eyes as I turned my head to the right.

She is just four rooms away. It made my heart pick up a beat. Should I meet her, and say the pending thanks.


And I found my legs taking me up to the room. I stood there in front of room 324 in sweaty and dirty clothes. I wasn't sure what to expect but I breathed trying to calm myself and before I know I already knocked.

I waited not knowing what will happen.

Should I just run back or should I stay.

What if Rahul opened the door. I am so dead then.

Debating the chances of my death because of the single knock, I decided to wait.

After what seemed forever I found Nandini opening the door. She was wearing denim shorts and a tank top, and she looked extremely cute and lovely in that attire.

She shifted uncomfortably at my prolonged gaze.

"Sorry...." I blurted out.

"What? Why?", she asked looking quizzically at me. Oh those eyes..... Don't make me drown in them please.

"Uh actually I wanted to thank you.", I replied and she looked at me with the same look.

What! Did she forgot..... That I took a damn punch for just impressing her.

Its not that she asked me to do it.

Whatever, how can she just not remember what happened.

Maybe it happens a lot with her, she having a bad ass boyfriend. And why am I even trying, knowing that she is already taken.

I smiled warily.

"Never mind. Just forget I ever came. And bye.",  I walked away with a pain in my heart.

I cursed myself for even coming up to her and felt an urge of ripping someone's throat.

Control Manik....... Control.

She is never yours.

Sorry guys for the extremely late update. But now I promise regular updates. Once a week I guess.

And do vote and comment.

Till then happy reading.

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