Chpater 6

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I held her in my arms as she rested her head on my chest. I had no idea what was happening and why it was happening........

Her even breath told me that she was already asleep. I picked her up in my arms and I carried her to my room.

Dhruv was not yet back, and I sighed as it gave me some more time to sort things up. I placed her softly on the bed taking extra care that she doesn't wake up.

She squirmed a little as she hit the bed but in the next moment she curled up in the bed, like a kid.

I stood beside the bed watching her closely. The eyes were closed but the pain or whatever that was troubling her made her frown even in her sleep. But anything she does just adds to her beauty and makes me lose my sanity.

"Why are you making me fall for you Nandini?", I asked as I leaned forward to remove the bangs that fell on her face disturbing her sleep.


I turned to find Dhruv standing at the door.

He had a bewildered look as if he had got a heart attack a few minutes back. Though I shouldn't laugh in such situation but I couldn't help but crack up seeing his face.

He looked god damn funny while he was scared.

"Are you crazy?", he hissed.

"Yeah somewhat.... But why are you freaking up Dhruv?", I asked him controlling my urge to capture his face that I am sure will take all my pains, when I will be sad.

"Have you any idea who is on your bed....", he spoke.

I looked back at sleeping Nandini and then back at Dhruv.

"Yeah.... Its Nandini.", I replied.

Of course I know who she is. Her face had been plastered on my mind since the time I crossed my paths with her.

"Man, its Nandini... Rahul's girl and she is on your bed.... Basically it wouldn't bother me but she is in our room.", Dhruv whispered.

"You are talking as if its the President lying on my bed....", I casually told him that he was worrying more than it is needed.

"I wouldn't freak out this much even if it was the President. But here we are talking about Rahul. He first kills and then talks to your ghost. Get the trouble out of the room.....", he concluded and I know he was talking sense as I had already experienced.

The punch still made my soul creep and though I would love to have Nandini in my room, no way am I ready for another punch.

"So what can we do....", I asked Dhruv.

"Where did you get her?", Dhruv questioned me.

"In the hallway..... She fell unconscious", I filled him the news.

"Who asked you to get her could have left her there.", he spoke grumpily.

How can I. You heartless soul, how can you even think of leaving such a beautiful girl alone in the hallway in the cold.

"I will take her to her room.", I suggested.

Dhruv pondered about the idea and then half heartedly nodded his head.

"But how the hell will we know, her room number??", he asked.

I gave a smirk and said,"324".

Dhruv stared at me for sometime and then gave up," I am not going to ask you that how you have that information, dude.... But the way you are behaving, this is making me crazy"

I rolled my eyes at Dhruv and then turned around to pick her up.

And it was no heavy task for me the giant can easily pick up the baby doll.

I carefully settled her in my arms as Nandini snuggled into my chest.

This send flutters in my heart and a shivering warmth spread across my body as she clutched my shirt mumbling something in her dreams.

God...only if your mine, Nandini

I shifted my attention from her and walked to the door.

Dhruv opened the door and peeped out to check the half ways.

Yeah.... Consequences of helping the Bad boy's girl, I sighed.

Once he was sure there was no one out, he signalled me to get out.

I cuddled her into my chest and went out in the hallway. I quickened my steps and within a few seconds I reached her room.

I debated whether to keep her down and knock and then run away or to wait with her.

I spared a glance at her overly cute sleepy face.

I have been risking a lot for this girl. Man am I falling that fast.

I kept aside my personal thoughts and tried to knock on the door but it opened out wide giving me access to an empty room .

The whole room was pitch black except a dim blue light which barely lighted the room.

I quietly entered into the room and kept her on the nearest bed and as I tried to straighten up her little fingers curled up tightly in my shirt pulling me back to her.

"Don't leave me alone......", she mumbled sleepily.

I stayed beside her solidified like a statue as she repeated again...

"Don't leave me alone..... Rahul"

And it shattered me again as I studied her face in the dim blue light.

Why can't it be Manik, instead of Rahul

I wondered helplessly staring at her.

Please be mine.... Nandini.


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