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"How did he know where I live?" I whisper to my dad, his hand running through his hair.

"No clue. I'm going to look into that," he says, my lips releasing a sigh.

"He's scaring me dad. He saw me when I was out with Lena yesterday and he ended up being at the same restaurant. I snuck out a bathroom window because Lena said he was going to approach me," I explain, his hand rubbing my back.

"We'll figure something out. He's a piece of work so I'll talk to him over lunch," he says, my head nodding.

"Just get some sleep darling. Come in around noon," he says, kissing my hair before leaving my apartment. I lock up and fall asleep quickly, stressed out with the curly-haired boy.

I get into the building and my dad walks out of the recording booth with his client, my hand waving as I walk to my office. But I freeze when Harry is sitting in my office.

"Do you need something? I have stuff to do," I bravely say, his body standing up.

"I'm having lunch with you father and I wanted to know if you'll be there," he states, my lower lip taken between my teeth. Why would he even consider this?

"No. Like I said, I have stuff to do," I say, walking past him to my desk.

"Good," he says, walking out of the office abruptly. And I know my answer as to why he considered it.

But I don't let it bother me. I get right down to work and eat dinner in the office, my feet kicking off my heels. Working late is a frequent occurrence, considering how busy my father is. Being his assistant comes with this.

When it's around ten, I hear footsteps in the hall and then a body walks in and sits across from me. I don't react and stay at work, taking notice to the curls I see in my peripheral vision.

"Never met anyone like you," he groans, my fingers still typing away at my computer.

"Seriously, you don't even look at me. You're fucking rude," he continues, my lips releasing a sigh.

"I have a job to do. Which correlates to yours," I state, his huff heard.

"Your father puts you on a pedestal. I don't know why, you're a bitch," he says, my hand slamming my laptop shut.

"If you have nothing nice to say to me, why are you around me so much?" I ask, his body getting up. He leans over the desk and I lean back in my chair to distance myself from him.

"I'm making sure I get my way. You damn near screwed me over once. I won't have that fucking happen again," he grits, my lips pursed as he stares at me. It's not as harsh as they have been.

"May I remind you I saved your ass last night?" I say, his face twisting with anger.

"And how did you even know where I live? If you ask me, you look way worse than me right now because I've never told you that piece of information and you showed up, drunk and stumbling into everything," I retaliate, knowing if he were to hurt me, my father will have him out of this record in a flash.

"I know where you live because your father stopped there once on the way to a press conference. And I get drunk when I'm pissed. Trust me, if it weren't for those fuckers, I wouldn't have showed up," he claims, my eyebrow rising.

"You also asked for more aspirin while intoxicated. You could be in a hospital if it weren't for my dad and me," I say, his hand grabbing my mug and throwing it at the wall.

"You are the biggest damn bitch in the world! You're playing me and I fucking hate it!"

I stand up and lean on my desk, his eyes boring into mine.

"Get used to it, rock star," I say, his jaw clenching. He walks out and slams my door, my body falling back onto the chair. I brush my hair back and start packing up, feeling horrible for the words I've said. I make my way home and cook myself something to eat, my body sitting on my couch.

I begin to clean up and I head to my room, reading for a while before I fall asleep.

My phone rings to wake me up and I answer it, my lips curving.

"Let's go get you a dress for the party," Viv cheers, my lips curving.

"I would, but I have to take the mean boy to get his suit tailored with my dad," I say, her lips sighing.

"I am so frustrated with him. He yelled at me last night and I retaliated. But I was scared out of my mind," I admit.

"At least you finally stood up to him. He can't do anything to you because of your dad," she explains, my head nodding.

I bite my lower lip and sit up in bed, nervous as to how today is going to go.

"I just...he intimidates me. But I find him attractive as well."

She giggles, my heart racing. "Do you have a crush on the beautiful asshole?" she asks, my eyes widening.

"No, no. He's horrible to everyone. I-I..." I trail, his green eyes flashing into my mind.

"Shit," I groan, burying my face in my hand.

"You do! Oh my gosh!" she exclaims, my eyes squeezing shut.

"I am in the worst position of my life. This is horrible," I say, flustered at the new realization.

"Just take it slow and figure everything out. It's okay, Len," she says, my goodbyes with her quick.

I get dressed and pull my hair back in a bun, fixing my make-up before my dad picks me up. I get the text that he's here and I walk down to his car, getting into the backseat.

I ignore Harry in the front seat and say hello to my father, his smile bright. Harry huffs, hands forming into fists.

The drive to the shop isn't all that long, my fingers shuffling through dresses while Harry gets his suit tailored. My dad leaves to talk with the man working, my fingers feeling the soft black material of a dress. It is black and cuts low, so I pull it from the shelf. Once I get it on, I smile and walk out to show my dad.

"Perfection, Len," he grins, Harry turning to look at me. His jaw clenches and his eyes look away a short while after, my fingers fixing the neckline.

As I admire myself, my dad is in a conversation with the man working and I feel Harry step behind me.

"I don't want to talk to you," I say quietly, not wanting to hear him say anything along the lines to mess with my self-appearance.

But his hands grab my waist from behind and I momentarily stop breathing, his eyes looking down at me in the mirror. He moves his hands down my hips, my hands swatting his away.

"Girls who wear these dresses get fucked. Hard," he whispers in my ear, my jaw dropping. I turn around and he bites his lower lip, gazing down at my chest.

But he walks away shortly after, my breathing erratic before I quickly make it back into the dressing room.


Hey Loves!!


Love! <3 xoxo

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