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I finish getting dressed for the photo shoot and I get my hair styled, the long hair something I've inherited from my father. He gave me most of my looks except for the blonde hair and the beard.

The photoshoot goes swiftly and I walk to my car, driving to pick up Emily. She's insisted we have dinner once a week to make sure I'm not 'dying'.

She gets in my car and kisses my cheek, asking me how I've been.

"Living hell," I reply, her hand slapping my arm. I smirk and she slumps in her chair, the eighteen year old still acting like she's twelve.

"You seeing anyone yet?" she asks, my lips pressing together.

"No," I state, still frustrated. Apparently I'm something I'm not so finding a girl to have again will be different. Olivia broke my heart and I don't want it to happen again.

"Why not?" she asks, my lips releasing a sigh.

"I don't want to, Em. I'm not interested," I say, her amused snort pushing me over the edge.

"You're twenty eight, you ass. Find a girlfriend; it's been years," she says, my hands tightening on the steering wheel.

We somehow manage through dinner and I take her to her apartment, driving back to my house. I take a shower and go to the living room, watching TV for a while. I fall asleep and wake up, going to the coffee house in the morning.

I read at the bar and brush my hair back, my eyes reading the pages. Then I start hearing a girl frustrated sigh out and I look up, seeing a blonde girl flip through her wallet.

"Here," I say, handing her a five. She looks up at me and I almost stare at her eyes, but she looks away.

"No thanks," she says, her fingers pulling out a crumpled ten. She pays and sits a few seats down from me, my eyes continuing to look at her. She looks familiar.

"Can I help you?" she asks, turning to look at me. Her hazel eyes are beautiful and I bite my lower lip.

"What's your name?" I ask, her hair parted over the right side of her head. She's cute.

"Kara," she says, my head nodding. I tell her mine and she nods as well.

"You look familiar," I tell her, her shoulders shrugging.

"I work with Calvin Klein," she tells me, my head nodding. I model for them so I get my answer.

I go back to reading and I can feel her gaze on me, my head turning. She looks away and I smirk, turning back to the book. It's fun to see her so flustered, the girl obviously wanting a reaction.

So I get up and move a seat next to her, her lips smirking. We don't look at each other and I can tell we're both attracted to each other. But what would I get from this if I were to go for it? A broken heart? Emptiness?

"You're a reader?" she asks, my head turning to her.

"Only read old stuff," I say, currently reading Wuthering Heights.

"So you overthink things then?" she inquires, my head shaking.

"Under think is more like it." She grins and I smile, her head turning fully to look at me. She has full lips; the first feature to prominently stick out to me.

"You doing anything tonight?" I ask, her lower lip taken between her teeth.

"That depends," she says, my eyes staying focused on her.

"On what?" I ask, her little smirk almost arousing.

"Are you asking me on a date?" she asks, my fingertips running against my cheek.

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