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My heart races and I gasp, sitting up in bed. My hands cover my face, calming myself down from the nightmare taking over my mind the past few days. Harry hasn't allowed me to be alone the past few days and I don't understand why. I'm fine; just constantly questioning everything about my mom's reappearance.

"Len, angel," Harry rushes, wrapping his arm around me. His arms wrap around me and he tugs me back on top of him. My hands grab his sides, his hands on my cheeks as he kisses the top of my head.

"Same thing?" he asks, my head nodding. He sighs and I close my eyes, nuzzling my head in the crook of his neck.

"I don't know why we don't start out this way," he says, my lips moving to smile. It's strange that whenever he lets me lay on top of him, his arms wrapped tightly around me, I sleep ten times better.

I only shrug, his arms holding me close. He kisses my cheek and I fall back asleep, his head resting beside mine.

I wake up and Harry's still asleep, the sun making his skin absolutely gorgeous. He's so effortless and I don't understand it.

My arms move up, setting beside his head. His arms tighten around me and I brush my fingers through his hair, pushing it back. He's usually up by the time I wake up, and this isn't a normal occurrence where I wake before him. I treasure it, taking in his vulnerability and natural self. He's beautiful.

Trailing my nose against his cheek, I kiss his jaw and the corner of his mouth. I kiss the bridge of his nose and kiss the other side of his face. When I start kissing the corner of his mouth, his head turns and he kisses my lips. It makes me smile and he does as well, my eyes opening to see his green eyes looking at me.

"I'm sorry I was sleeping," he says, my fingers brushing the light hairs on his cheeks.

"You need it," I say, his eyes rolling. But I lean my forehead on his, cupping his chin.

"You will need rest. Tour will make you tired," I remind him, his lips releasing a sigh.

"I'm still pissed your dad said you couldn't come," he groans, pouting like a little baby. He's beginning to look like a grumpy baby in my eyes, not the intimidating male he once was.

"I will come to certain concerts. Especially Greece, Spain, France," I start, his lips curving.

"So Europe?" he asks, my head nodding. I laugh and he smiles and me, his hands running beneath my shirt and holding my bare waist.

"I'll take you anywhere you want to go. Just say when," he says, my lips curving.

"That's nice. But I actually have a job for a living. Speaking of which," I say, his arms tightening.

"No. You stay here with me," he states, my hands pushing myself away.

"I need to go," I try, exaggerating my words.

"But I want you to stay," he reciprocates, my heart melting. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck, falling back onto the bed with him beneath me.

"I'm beginning to think you're becoming a cheeky one," I smirk, his hands squeezing my waist.

"Good or bad?" he asks seriously, his eyes trained on me.

"I like it," I say, his lips pressed together as I look at him. He seems to be thinking and I watch his eyes meet mine, my thumb running over his eyebrow.

"You haven't answered me," he says, my lips parting. And then I realize what he's talking about. The whole moving in thing.

"Harry, I just...with you leaving for tour in a month, is moving in even worth it right now?" I ask, his shoulders shrugging.

"I want you. I fucking need you, Lennon. How much more can I explain that?" he asks, his voice getting angered.

"We've been seeing each other a month, Harry. I can't just jump into moving in with you," I say, his arms tight around me.

"But that's what I want, Lennon. I want you here," he states, my lips pressing together. He's only thinking about himself.

"Let me up, Harry. I'm not arguing about this right now," I say, his eyes darkening.

"I swear to God, Lennon. You can't fucking leave it at that," he says, my body getting off and frowning.

"Why can't you think about me right now? I've never been in...whatever this is with you. I've never been asked to move in with someone before and all your reason is because you want me. I need more than that," I say, his lips frowning. He sits up and I get dressed, my feet putting on my shoes.

"I'll be at work. Please, think this through. For me," I say, walking out of the house. The driver takes me to my apartment so I get ready.

By the time I get done with work, it's nearly one in the morning and I hear a knock on my door. I hum and the door opens, my head turning and looking up. That's when my heart bursts, my eyes softening at the sight.

The door shuts and Harry gets down on one knee with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He reaches for mine and I give it to him, his fingers soft.

"Lennon, I'm so sorry, angel. I-I just can't get the thought through my head that I have to think about others again. You of all people don't deserve this shit persona I seem to put on. I'm losing my mind, Len, not knowing how to deal with these...feelings," he starts, my body standing up. I can feel tears forming, never expecting a personal apology like this.

"You have my pendent, and I wouldn't give that to just anyone. Lennon, I'm afraid I'm getting deeper into what I've been horrified of for years. I'm scared shitless, absolutely terrified of whatever the fuck we have because I know that whenever we're apart I'm alone. I've been really alone for most of my life and then I find you, a perfect angel in my damn near shit life. It's then I realize how tired I am of being alone. There is a four letter word I've never spoken to anyone, not even my family, and I never thought I'd be able to say it or feel it, b-but know," he says, his voice shaky. I take the flowers from his hand and set them on my desk, his eyes closing.

I kneel down in front of him and grab his cheeks, the two of us getting really emotional. His eyes stay closed and I feel my heart race for him, knowing that he's feeling something strong.

"Lennon," he whispers out, his green eyes meeting mine. They're slightly glossy and I keep hold of his cheeks. "I can't stop this. I can't be without you. Lennon, I'm being so incredibly selfish but I'm so sorry. It's my heart," he says, grabbing my hand and pushing it onto his chest.

"It's yours, Lennon. I don't know what else to tell you," he says, my lips pressing to his right after. His mouth dominates mine and he pulls my hands off his cheeks, his hands grabbing my cheeks tightly.

Harry doesn't let me say anything on the way home and we go back up to his house, my inability to speak making this almost comfortable.

And the exact reason we weren't talking, is our actions. It's another reason Harry isn't strong with admitting his feelings, but his actions are all there.

His warm lips trace my neck, his hands holding onto my ribcage as he moves through me slowly. The love making is perfect.

I move my arms to wrap around his neck and he turns his head up, kissing my lips. When we come, his lips are back on my neck and he wraps his arms around me completely after he pulls out of me.

"Let me make it up," he whispers, my head nuzzling in his neck.

He lifts his head up, my fingers brushing away his damp curls. "I won't pressure you...into moving. All I ask is you stay mine," Harry whispers, my lips pressing to his.

"I'm yours," he mumbles, kissing my chin. "Call me whatever; a boyfriend, I don't care. I'm just yours," he whispers, my eyes closing as his lips continue to kiss my face.

"I-I want us to know more about each other if we are to move in together," I say, his head only nodding.

"Anything. I'll tell you anything."


Hey Loves!


Much Love! <3 xoxo

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