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My eyes flutter open, cheek residing on a silk pillow. I'm curled onto one side of a massive bed, my body in one of Harry's shirts. He's lying beside me, still asleep and completely separated from me.

I don't know what we're going to do after this. What happened last night was an act completely out of self-awareness and want. But he's expressing what sounds to be depth. It doesn't sound like he's going to give this up and it doesn't bother me. Last night made me feel more alive than I have ever felt since my last relationship. Even then it wasn't as satisfying as it was with Harry.

As I roll over, I look at how relaxed he is when he's asleep and I smile. My finger moves up and I softly poke his lower lip, just out of curiosity of his response. But I don't expect his arm to reach out and pull me flush against him.

"I do prefer this," he says, my head buried in his neck.

"Why?" I wonder, his hand moving to my back.

"I can feel you," he whispers, my eyes closing. We lay there and I bring my hand up to his chest, his head moving to look at my face.

"I didn't know you had tattoos," is all I say, brushing my fingertips over his chest of tattoos.

"I have too many of them," he says, allowing me to touch his skin. I thought he wouldn't let me but his eyes are trained so intently on mine.

"They suit you," I say, knowing people who have tattoos and look horrible with them.

He only stares at me, moving his arm beneath my head so I rest on his bicep. But he pulls my head closer and sets his forehead on mine, my eyes looking up into his.

"I'm going to touch you," he whispers, moving one of his hands down my stomach. I move my leg over both of his and he cups me, my eyes closing. But his lips press to my own, my lips parting as he starts to massage.

"Take this off," he groans, tugging at the shirt. He didn't pick up the clothes for me, considering we went for round two after our tea. He put his shirt on me, and I fell asleep shortly after that.

I sit up and move the shirt off, his hands tugging me back down to him. My hand moves to his neck and I kiss him, his lips soft but trained. These kisses are the greatest feeling, and I don't understand it myself.

My leg moves back over his and I feel his hand move between us. Our lips stay pressed together but part once I feel him at my entrance. My eyes squeeze shut and Harry grabs my bottom, pushing his length into me quickly.

His tongue circles my lips, my lips moving to kiss him. Harry moves me onto my back and he presses his hands to the mattress beneath my back, my hands grabbing his arms as he continues moving. My back arches and I pant out his name before I come, his deep voice groaning as he comes deep inside me. He pulls out and buries his head in my neck, sucking at the skin.

I reach down and gently wipe the come off my stomach, his eyes watching as I place my fingertips in my mouth. He tastes salty and his eyes darken, my lips smirking.

"You taste perfect," I grin, his head leaning down. He bites my lower lip and sets a kiss to my lips after.

"I can't tell you how sexy you are," he groans, my hands grabbing his cheeks. He kisses me more and I feel his fingers massage my breasts, my lips and his molded together as if they're meant to be.

He pulls away and he moves beside me, my body turning to look at him.

"You should go, Lennon," he says, my lips pressing together but I agree. I should go. I have work to do.

I only nod and stand up, tying my hair up before I get my old clothes on. The gaze on me is felt and I put my heels on, dressed in my dress from last night.

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