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"It's like eleven. What's wrong?" Viv asks, walking into my house. She brushes her fingers through her hair and I tug her onto the couch.

"I wanted to watch this with you," I say, her eyes narrowing at me.

"You called me over to watch late night. What's wrong with you?" she groans, her eyes looking at the screen as soon as Harry's name is mentioned.

"Oh," she smirks, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Get ice cream," she begs, my head nodding. Once we have ice cream, the two of us are having fun.

"Oh, he looks good tonight," she comments, his black shirt tight on his arms and forming to his toned body. He's in all black, of course, and I watch him completely tense up as he talks. He's not very open but I have part of him to me.

"The new album's coming out soon," he says, and the interviewer asks him about what he's doing to promote it.

"So far nothing. I'm busy the weekend it comes out. Important plans," he says, my heart pounding.

They talk for a while but Harry runs his fingers through his hair while they talk about famous models or something, his lips frowning. It makes me smile and I take a bite of ice cream.

"You get a lot of female attention on the media and it surprises me you haven't taken opportunity of that," he says, but Harry grips his thigh to obviously calm down.

"Well, I have a girlfriend. I don't want anyone else," he says, and the audience goes silent. Harry's main media attention is his sex appeal and his resistance to women. But now, I'm his.

"When did this hunk of ass get a girlfriend?" Viv blurts, my lips curving.

"How public are you going?" the interviewer asks, Harry resituating himself.

"We only told her sister and her dad. It's a little private, but I've opened up to her when I never thought I would. She's an angel," Harry breathes out, my lips curving.

"Holy shit, he's perfect. I'm shitting myself," Viv exclaims, my laugh filling the room.

"So you're protective over this girl?" Harry nods.

"That's an understatement. Before we even had a good conversation I got mad when this guy asked her to dance at the party Davenport threw. She is nothing like anyone I've ever met," he says, my stomach filling with butterflies.

"Rumors flew around that you have been in a fling with his daughter, Lennon. Was that true in anyway?"

And Harry smiles, making the audience clap almost immediately. The interviewer looks shocked and I smile, so happy about him and what he's doing.

"More than a fling," he admits, his dimples on full show.

"Fuck you, Len! You don't tell me anything anymore," Viv yells, hitting me with a pillow.

"We only just decided to go public," I say, her huff heard as I fix up my hair.

"You couldn't have told me sooner?! I'm your best friend," she says, my hand grabbing her arm to prevent another pillow attack.

"I-I didn't know it would become this," I say, pausing the TV so I can see more of Harry.

"Len, you're dating the biggest rock star. He's sex on legs. I'm going to be mad you didn't tell me and I'm going to be scared shitless you're going to be hurt," she says, my lips releasing a sigh.

"I've thought about everything. I'm sorry I didn't tell you but my main reason was I didn't know how far Harry and I would get. This is...a crazy huge step," I say, her head nodding.

"I just don't want you to get hurt. I've seen you hurt and it makes me hurt," she says, my lips curving.

"I will do my best to make sure everything goes smoothly," I say, her arms wrapping around me.

We finish watching the interview and Harry's performance, Viv going home around one. I get into bed and fall asleep, happy Harry is smiling to the world.

My phone rings and I turn over, seeing the clock read 3. I grab the phone and answer, my body staying in bed.

"Hello?" I say, my voice filled with sleep.

"Hey angel," Harry says. "Listen, I have to board a plane at six. I'm going to stop by just to see you. I'll be gone for a week to LA to talk to your father's advisors."

"I'll unlock the door," I say, turning over. A quick goodbye is said and I get out of bed, walking towards my door. But what surprises me is as soon as I unlock the door, it opens and Harry kisses me immediately.

"Oh, do I think you look fuckable in these fuzzy pants," he says, making me laugh. Our lips are in a smile, pressing together.

"I watched you. I can't believe you smiled," I grin, brushing his hair away from his face.

"I only smile when I see you, talk about you, and think about you. It's all you, my angel," he says, kissing both of my cheeks.

"Now, let me fuck you before I have to leave," he says, lifting me up. I laugh and he keeps me close, my hands grabbing his cheeks.

I take off my tee and pull my pants off while he undresses himself. The eagerness is causing us to laugh and Harry and I are having more time happy together than actually having sex. But we have sex, talking about us during. He's admitting to me he's never had this before, being happy and comfortable, and it makes me absolutely honored.

"I will call you every day to make sure you keep smiling," I say, his lips curving as he kisses my cheek.

"And I will call you to hear your beautiful laugh," he tells me, my heart racing. He never ceases to amaze me at the gentleness. Harry kisses the tip of my nose before he climbs out of bed, his body getting dressed once again.

"I'm writing another song," he says, my lips curving. I lean up and watch him, my bare body covered up to my stomach by my sheets.

"What's this one about?" I ask, his lips smirking.

"All for you," he grins, lifting his shirt to put it on. His muscles flex and I bite my lower lip, his eye dropping into a wink.

"Before I go, I have something for you," he states, my eyes not looking away from him. He unclips the chain from around his neck and walks to me, letting the pendent fall between my breasts.

"I'll fly home to you. Every time," he whispers, kissing my cheek.

"I'll miss you, Harry," I say, his lips trailing my neck before kissing me.

"Trust me, I'll miss you more. I'm rock hard and I really have to go," he says, my lips kissed by his multiple times before he has to go.

I take a shower and relax after Harry leaves, the one hickey on my neck sore. My fingers grasp the pendent, the paper plane something I've seen and felt but never touched. Now I get to wear it, and I'll keep it safe and treasure it.

To begin the day, I get my dress fitted and I go shopping for new sweaters. I keep my sunglasses on to avoid any cameras, the few around my car bothering me. I drive to Lena's after for lunch and she hugs me tightly.

"He smiled! He smiled because of you!" she cheers, my lips curving.

Her arms stay tight around me until her oven goes off, the two of us parting to eat lunch.

"Lennon, he talked so happily about you," she smiles, my heart beating against my chest.

"I don't know how to explain what happened between us. I'm so happy," I grin, her lips curving.

"Then I'm happy for you."


Hey Loves!


Much Love! <3 xoxo

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