The Aftermath - Chapter 4

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"That was all mad today," Layla said kicking off her shoes as she got comfy on my single bed. She handed me a plate of Singapore noodles and spring rolls, my favourite. She must have wanted something.

"Yeah it was still," I eyed the plate suspiciously.

"I didn't poison it you know," she giggled while playfully punching my shoulder.

"Yeah but you may as well have from when you always ask me for unattainable things after getting me food. So what is it Layla?" I placed the plate of food beside me trying not to let the heavenly aroma cloud my judgement.

"What can't I treat my cousin?" She said with a hint of bewilderment  and amusement laced in her tone.

"Whatever Layla,"

"So..." She played around with her fork.

"So, what?" I shot back at her.

"What's going on with you and Jermaine?" I knew there had to be a reason why she was being eerily nice to me. We hadn't spoken the way we used to in so long and all of a sudden she comes with my favourite food in the world claiming its from the goodness of her heart. I mean she was nice, but she wasn't that nice.

"Nothing, you know that's just my best friend," I said looking everywhere around our room but her.

"I thought I was your best friend," she whined with that annoyingly high pitched voice she always used with her partners when she couldn't get her way.

"You both are," I forced a smile, our relationship seemed really forced lately, so placing such huge titles on it made me feel uncomfortable.. But who was I to deny that from her, I couldn't put up with her whining for the whole night. If that was all, I could happily eat my food before it went cold.

"Okay well it's kind of you know, sexy the way he turns up for you. Wish I had a man who'd do that for me," from the side of my eye I could see her playing with her hair as she stared into nothingness, eyes glazed over. Jermaine would never be romantically interested in a girl like me, he had status, looks and charm, I would ruin his social reputation. These past few days around him, had me craving more of his presence. But I wasn't even sure of what I wanted our friendship to progress to, I mean, it was only recently that feelings of uncertainty towards him sprouted. That didn't necessarily mean I liked him though. Maybe this was just a phase..

"You know you and Jermaine would be a great fit," she urged on.

"Haha," I nervously laughed. "That's practically incest."

"Anyway enough about you," I side eyed her, it was annoying how everything had to be centred around her, but I hadn't the voice to challenge that. I inwardly huffed. "Go on eat."

I picked up my plate and played around with the noodles before forking it up and putting it in my mouth allowing the spicy oriental flavours to explode on my buds. My eyes involuntarily rolled back as the wonderful combination of textures sent me into a blissful high. I let out a small groan which in turn made Layla giggle at my reaction. "It's good init. Mr Chew was closed so I got it from HoHo this time."

"You what?" I spat the remnants of what was left in my mouth back on to the plate and scraped my tongue with my finger nails. "You know they use rats for their meat!"

"Don't be silly. That's just rumours," Layla chugged on her bottle of water. Layla would eat anything so relying on her for credible information surrounding food and where she buys it from would be setting myself up for failure.

"I'm done with this," I put my plate on the bedside table that was positioned between me and layla's bed, right beside our alarm clock that worked on its on accord, never when we wanted it to.

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