Bet - Chapter 10

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"Bitch!" A high pitched voice shook through my bedroom walls and as my hands raised to cover my ears, Layla proceeded to pop her head through the door without even knocking. I groaned in annoyance, I was still asleep first of all and I was pretty sure it was still early in the morning. "Ain't you going to college? You've missed at least 4 days!"

"No," I shooed my hand away, angrily pulling the covers over my head. I was still livid over what she did and here she was, disturbing me; adding insult to the injury. I was having an amazing dream, I didn't need to be awake right now. "Go away."

"I've been a little concerned," 

"You know what's up," I said through gritted teeth, head still hidden beneath the covers. I was feeling a little brave in my new found sanctuary.

"No, you've been in hiding for so long," yeah and I wonder why? This big fool had the audacity to feign innocence as if she didn't batter my face. I could hear her footsteps etching closer to the bed and for some reason my anxiety spiked. I had recited daily that I would overcome this fear but I could feel all the mental strength I had built up slowly seep out and I was left crippled by consternation. "You need to move on you know."

"Get out," my lips quivered as I found the courage to speak up to her. A deadly silence engulfed the room as I nervously anticipated her next move.

"Suit yourself,"

I blew out the deep breath of air I was holding in, I had to do better.


"Wow, look who decided to show their face," I was met with odd looks from the class as Jermaine decided to publicise my entrance. I was trying to sneak in because I was late and I knew Geoffrey would be on my case. I looked towards my teacher and mouthed a sorry and surprisingly he just nodded his head, face void of any kind of expression. That was weird, I thought.

"So that really was her at the party," an unfamiliar voice whispered, I snapped my head in their direction only to be met with a sea of irresolute eyes. It's like they were STILL trying to figure out who I was, talk about overdoing it. I had barely changed in appearance, my features were still the same. All I did was scrap the old boring attire for something more extravagant and pay more attention to my hair, I could finally afford to look the way I felt and apparently that didn't sit well with others.

I skipped over to Jermaine avoiding all the curious stares and delicately wrapped my arms around his neck before squishing the life out of him. I hadn't seen or spoken to him in over two weeks and I was ready to let bygones be bygones. This was my way of saying I had forgiven him. In response he slid his big arms around my waist and we stood in silence, just familiarising ourselves with each other's scent again. I inhaled deeply, oh how I missed that Sean John cologne. I honestly did not care if we were in the middle of class making a scene, this embrace was long overdue. "I missed you Jess."

"I missed you too Jerm," he gently pushed me back holding me at arm's length to inspect me properly. I darted my eyes around the room, trying not to lock on to his gaze in case he realised something was wrong. I hoped my concealer had covered the bruising enough, my face had swelled down dramatically but my skin was still discoloured in certain areas.

"You didn't answer my texts or my calls. I tried to come over twice but Layla told me you were away. I was worried," I sent him a confused look, I did not recall jermaine coming over at all during the holiday. I was home every single day so how... That bitch.

"Oh," I scratched the back of my head unsure of what to say. If I told him I was home he would immediately question why she lied and dig deeper to find the truth but if I ran with her story I could nip it in the bud. But who wanted to lie to their best friend? "I, uh.."

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