What Is This Feeling? - Chapter 11

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"So you're just going to continue talking to him after I told you not to?" Layla had been badgering me all throughout our journey home. She just wouldn't let me be. "What did you say to him on Instagram, don't you think what you did back there was rude?"

"You literally put your hands on me and left me for dead, do you really think I care about how you feel right now?" I finally turned around to address her with nothing but hatred plastered over my face. That's how I felt right now, I abhorred her, no more would I be mince my words.

"You're being dramatic and you know it, I could have done worse," There was a menacing look in her eye that made me believe her but I wasn't going to show fear. If I needed to take self-defence classes I would just to give her a taste of her own medicine. There was never a need for me to learn how to fight in the past as Jermaine always sorted everything out for me but I couldn't rely on him forever.

"Amazing stuff, you can leave me alone now. I have nothing to say to you," I sped up my pace to try and get rid of her but it only made her increase her own. I mentally eyerolled.

"Look," She grabbed on to my arm. "You won't get away with this. Trust me."


I had spent that evening filtering through all the notifications I received on Instagram which included deleting a lot of spiteful comments from my page. I didn't know why these girls were being so rude to me, they didn't even know me but they were literally picking apart every little thing they could find on me that didn't meet their standards from my eyebrows to lack of acrylic nails to my outfit choice – "Is it even that hot to me showing that much flesh?". On some posts, I saw a familiar person cussing some of them, it was Sarah – I really should have texted her sooner. She had stopped blowing up my phone, rightfully so, I guess she grew tired of being ignored. I decided to call her instead. My hands felt clammy as my finger hovered over her contact details on my phone, I wasn't sure if she would want to speak to me anymore, inconsistency in a new relationship would turn me off too.

"Hello?" Her voice beamed through the phone, she sounded almost happy? "Girl where the fuck have you been?"

Her very aura just exuded a trusting feeling that made me feel like I could pour the burdens of my heart out to her and before I knew it, my mouth was spilling every detail of the events that took place after I got home from our outing. I didn't realise how much emotion I had been holding back, I was crying by the end of but I felt a sense of relief wash over me, I needed that. I was so used to vaguely expressing myself on the internet to strangers that I forgot what it felt like to open up to an actual human being, one who seemed to care about me.

"I'm so sorry baby girl. I knew she was evil!" She muttered the last part to herself more so. "Where do you live? Do you want me to come around?"

I shook my head vehemently as if she could see me, "No, that's okay. I can meet you?" Grandma would have a fit if we brought guests to her house, even if she wasn't there to see it with her two eyes, she would know. It's like she could smell the scents that didn't belong in her compound.

"McDonalds in Brixton?" I heard the slight disappointment in her tone but divulging the horrors of this house to her wasn't something I was ready to do just yet.

"Yeah, I'll be there in 30 minutes,"

I decided to take a quick shower to freshen up, today had been a long day. After slicking my hair into a messy bun, I put on some lip gloss and picked up my bag remembering to put my pain killers inside – these sharp pains in my stomach weren't letting up any time soon. At first I thought it was just regular cramps but I don't think I even saw my period this month. That reminded me – I probably needed to book an appointment with a doctor.

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