Modern Day Cinderella - Chapter 7

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"When can I see you again?"

"If it's meant to be we will run into each other sooner all later,"

I can't believe I really said those words to him two nights ago, who did I think I was? Cinderella? The silliest thing is that I didn't even leave him a note or shoe or any kind of physical indication on how to find me. He was clearly feeling me and it was mutual unlike my situation with Jermaine. That dance with Jermaine was only to show him not to tease me and think he could get away with it, I guess I could call it the ending to our short lived intimate affair. I was ready to move forward and just be friends again, I hated not knowing where I stood with people, I wasn't willing to continue to blur the lines. Besides, emotionally he was immature, I was more fascinated by the guy who was able to captivate my interest in just a short space of time. The sexual chemistry was definitely there, I was really in lust with this guy. He was tall, funny, handsome and had such hypnotising brown eyes. His stature and persona just screamed of maturity and years of experience, I liked that. It was all good until Layla showed up, 30 minutes past 12 with a bunch of screaming baboons.


"The one you've been waiting for has arrived," Layla's screechy voice boomed over the music. It was like a tinnitus boomerang the way her high pitched scream travelled from one ear to the other and back. I groaned internally, it was just like her to make herself the centre of attention. She had cleared an entrance for herself and her possy with her hands and surprise surprise, Rachel was with her. I thought she was over that friendship. "Don't mind me guys."

I scoffed, as if she hadn't already interrupted the flow of the party.

"Ladiessssss!" The DJ screamed into his mic enthusiastically. "If you have a man, you better hold on tight. If you think she can't teef your man, think again. Hol' on, hol' on mi af a tune to play fi di gyaldem holding extra tight to their lovers as of now. Ladies if you have a boyfriend tell him you nah let go."

The DJ scratched his disks a couple times before putting on a remixed version "nah let go" by Gyptian. It was such a cheeky gesture but he was right, as soon as Layla and co stepped in, I could feel the level of envy spike up, the fake smiles that welcomed them were faltering and mandem were suffocating under headlocks disguised as warm embraces. No one came together so nobody was safe, I most certainly wasn't. The alcohol was ineffective now, this bravery that told me walking to Levi was a good idea had fully vanished. I was sober, only depending on my need to not embarrass myself. Of course I felt inferior to Layla, she could charm a man or a woman out of their underwear just by batting those long lashes of hers. She was stunning but tonight she had taken it to a whole other level, competing with her wardrobe was like challenging samurai jack to spar with you when you were still a white belt - don't play yourself. I could even see her cheek highlights effulging from across the room, she looked like a supernatural being. It was starting to annoy me that Charlene only saw me worthy of having this plain look. What if Levi lost interest? I examined her outfit from head to toe, wondering why she came in a puff daddy fur coat but I bet it was to prepare everyone for the surprise underneath it. I could tell from her exposed freshly waxed long golden legs that she was about to murder the scene.

My thoughts were temporarily put on hold when long fingers began waving in my face trying to get my attention, "You there Jessica?"

"Oh, you want me?" I had allowed my jealousy to make me forget we were in mid conversation. We had spent the last hour just chatting it up not so casually because it was hard to get a word in over this loud music. 

"Yes, but that's another story," I shied away hiding my face behind my hair and bit my lip nervously. Did he not just see who stepped in, why was still trying? He was exactly what Layla would go for and if he pursued her, he had a 90% chance of actually winning her over, this was strange. "The way you were looking at them, it was like you knew them."

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