chapter 1

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"Your the best in the business" said the 10th person this day as he handed me my money while I handed him his dime bag.

"I've been told" I said counting the four 20's, I had just got done from selling my last dime bag of the day since its 10 pm.

I was up to 200 dollars for today but I've done better, after I got back In my Impala I drove away from the alley.

Once I reached my apartment Complex I got dirty looks from my neighbors like bitch y'all can keep it moving.

I walked in and put my money in my save which has about 50,000 from when I first started selling dope at the age of 11 once I ran away.

Buts that's another story for another time, sorry for my rude introduction but I'm Amiyah Ravey Jackson and no I'm not a hood rat like it may seem.

I'm just an average bad bitch trying to make it in these crazy ass streets of Compton.

But anyways I'm 17 years old and no I don't go to school but I go when I choose to because I think it's pointless to just sit in a smelly ass class room to hear old ass men and women talking about the civil war.

Shit. I'm living the fucking civil war right now, I mean gangs firing at other gangs every fucking day and to add on that the police think that they can just shoot every average man or black women on site because they have authority.

But anyways I'm African American with a height of 5'4 and long ass hair that stops at my waist.

I have a butterfly tattoo just above my waist and butt, and I also have another tattoo on my shoulder that says 'RIP MOM' with a rose wrapped around it.

After I had just got out of the shower, my phone started playing 'grind on me'. Signaling my best friend is calling don't ask me why he put it like that because I wouldn't know the answer.

"Nigga what do you want?" I asked playfully.

"Lil nigga don't be getting smart but open the door" he said and I laughed while hanging up.

I went to go open the door then realizing that I'm still soaking wet and in a white fluffy towel.

"What the hell you doing opening up the door like that what if I was Michael Jackson about to moon walk your ass!?"He semi-yelled while shutting the door behind him.

"Boy I'm grown fuck you mean and if it was Michael Jackson..I would have went hammer time on his ass" I said going back to my room where I dried my hair and lotioned my body down before I put on my bra and pantie set, I sprayed my sweet pea perfume.

"And I'm grown your ass is still a minor!" He yelled after me, I just rolled me eyes.

I put on my white crop top and my black boy shorts after I finished I walked out of my room to see him sitting comfortably on my couch and watching the game.

"Your just one a couple months older then me" I said sitting down on my couch next to him while putting my feet on his lap.

"And I'm an adult legally" he said moving my feet causing me to mug his face.

"Shut up big head" I said slapping the side of his head.

"I told your ass about hitting me didn't I?" He asked while twisting my pinky toe.

"Andre that shit hurts!" I yelled trying to pull my foot away.

"Imma tell your mom on your ass if you don't quit!" I said through clenched teeth because it hurts, he quickly let go.

"Snitch" he said while standing up and going into my kitchen.

"Thank you" I said, as he came back out with a bag of chips.

"You know damn well your ass is to big for those shorts" he said.

"Why do you think I wear them?" I asked laughing, he just rolled his eyes you see this is my partner in crime.

"You need some dick"he said while munching on Doritos.

"No I don't I ain't giving up my cookie to anyone" I said honestly, yes I'm still a virgin.

"You will some time and another thing your coming to school with me tomorrow" he said and I looked at him like he's crazy.

"No I'm not you know that shit is pointless" I said his phone soon started ringing and by his facial expression I knew it was his ex- girlfriend Trish who's a Thot.

"Hello...welcome to bitch he don't want you hotline how may I help you" I asked in a proper voice.

"Who the fuck you callin a bitch" she asked in a ghetto ass voice.

"I ain't talking to the damn sky, no so your the bitch" I said as he kept trying to get his phone back but I wasn't done talking.

"Hoe put Andre on the phone!" She snapped, I know this female dog did not just call me a hoe when she went through the whole neighborhood.

"The last time I checked I'm still a virgin tramp, and last time I recall that the whole fucking neighborhood had your loose pussy ass!" I snapped back and hung up, I handed him back his phone and he shook his head.

"Your still going to school with me" he said not giving up.

"No I'm not" I said again but I knew I would have to because he's a fucking bully.

" are" he said pinching my thigh I screamed see he's a bully.

"Finee" I said giving in, he left a big ass red mark.

"Let me make it better" he said kissing it, we play like this because we've been so close.

"You mad at me" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes because shit hurts you big bully" I said pouting like a little ass kid.

"You can't talk your always hitting me so don't play that" he said, just as his phone dinged he sighed.

"I gotta go to the trap but I will pick you up for school tomorrow" he said hugging me.

"I got my own car though" I said.

"I know but your ass is gonna try to skip school so I got the keys" he said dangling them in my face, ugh I hate him.

"Bastard" I said as he started walking out.

"Love you too!" He yelled back once the door was closed, I turned off my Tv and decided to go to bed since he's gonna wake me up at 6 in the morning!😒.

How you like it? {Andre in multimedia}

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