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Amiyah P.O.V~
*(3 months later)

2 months ago I got to get out of the hospital and me and Andre made up, and a month ago my stitches fell out, there's barely a scar, but me and Ace also told the group that we we're dating and I swear they were happy as hell.

"Ace come back here!" I ran around his house after him since he took my phone, I grabbed one of his house pillows chucking it at his head, I died laughing when it hit him in the back of his head and he tripped over the rug falling face first.

"Damn."he mumbled, I quickly ran and sat on his back, I took my phone out of his right hand. I quickly got up and ran. But he tackled me onto the couch.

"Get your fat ass off of me." I said, he faked a hurt expression. "You call this fat?" He asked as he stood up and pulled off his shirt, revealing a perfectly sculpted 6 pack, I bit down on my bottom lip.

"That's fat right there." I pointed to his arm, he started laughing. "Nah that's muscle fuck you mean."he said as he began flexing. I'm not gonna lie he looks sexy as a motherfucker.

"Keep biting your lip your gonna start something you can't finish." He smirked causing me to stop, even though I wanted him I was scared. I got up and went into his kitchen.

I opened his refrigerator and seen a nature valley granola bar. "Nope that's mine."Ace said as he took it out of my hand.

"Baby please?" I begged with my puppy dog eyes, I could see he was trying to resist but I held his glance. "We can split it." He said as he opened it, he broke the two bars in half so we each had two, I stood on my tippy toes.

"Your short." He mumbled as he cupped my booty to raise me higher. "Nigga shut up I'm not short.....just vertically challenged." I said while pressing my lips onto his, he bit my bottom lip asking for entrance, I happily accepted letting him explore my mouth.

I heard a knock on the door causing us to pull away, but before I could, he pulled my bottom lip in between his teeth, he let it go and went to go answer the door.

"I've missed you so much!" I heard a girl's voice, I walked out of the kitchen to seen ace hugging a girl.

"When did you get here?" He asked her. "About an hour ago, but I went to go see mom first." She said, this must be his older sister he's been telling me about.

"Is this Amiyah?" She asked as she smiled at me he nodded, she came up to me and hugged me I hugged her back. "I'm Maria but you can call me ria if you want to, I'm this big head's older sister." She introduced.

"Ion got a big head." Ace pouted, causing us to laugh. "Yes you do." I said, he looked at me with a fake hurt expression.

"So that's how it is?" He asked, I smirked while crossing my arms over my chest. "Yeah, because you called me short." I said.

"Because you are." He said. "I'm vertically challenged never short." I stated, he walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Awe you guys are so cute." She pulled out her phone and took a picture, she typed something before putting it back into her pocket.

My phone the dinged so I pulled it out of my pocket and check it seeing that Ace was tagged in it, it read: aww my little brother got a baddie❤️ y'all better watch out they're your future goals#favorite couple @mariathebest👑.

I showed ace and he got on his page screen shotting the picture before grabbing his sisters bags and taking them upstairs to one of his guest rooms.

"I gotta show you some of his baby pictures." She laughed and I laughed to.

"Okay." I said.

"Just don't tell him because he's gonna try to take em." She said and I nodded before he came back downstairs.

"What are y'all talkin' about?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing." Me and Maria both said at the same time, causing him to look at us funny.

"Oh baby I'm gonna go home and change." I said.

"It was nice meeting you." I said hugging Maria again before Ace walked me to the door.

"Are you still gonna meet us at the skating rink?" He asked wrapping his arm around my waist, all of us were suppose to hit up the skating rink today.

"Yeah." I said standing on my tippy toes to reach his lips but he was teasing me because he just kept pecking my lips.

"Anthonyyy..." I whined and he chuckled sticking out his tongue which I took in my mouth.

"Y'all some little nasty's." his sister said while scrunching up her face causing me to laugh and pull away before walking out the door and getting inside my car.

I started the ignition before pulling out of his drive way and getting onto the E way which is the fastest route to my house. Once I pulled into my drive way I turned off my car and got out but it wasn't long until I spotted a small wrapped box at my door step so I picked it up but once I read the name my heart instantly stopped.



Hope y'all like the new update❤️

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