Chapter 4

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I can't believe this motherfucker! Shotta just shot my best friend, now this shit means war I swear he wanna come at me at my mama's house and shoot somebody who I really care about nigga got me fucked all the way up.

"Amiyah come on open your eyes please!" I begged as my mom sped to the hospital while I was in the back seat with Amiyah, she was covered in a lot of blood which literally kilt me inside, she can't even open her eyes.

We soon pulled up to the hospital and I quickly picked her up and rushed her inside where nurses and doctors rolled her on a stretcher to the back and me and my mom followed.

"What happened" asked one of the doctors while hooking her up to all these type of machine's.

"She got shot, man please don't let her die please!" I begged I can't lose her this is my partner in crime I swear.

"We'll do everything we can" He said as they pushed us out, I hugged my mom who was crying I can't believe this shit happened in a day.

"God please cover her from head to toe from the crown of her feet, please Lord don't let the only daughter I have die, I know they've done wrong but God you are worthy enough to forgive them" my mom prayed, but I couldn't I've been praying my whole entire life for shit to go right but he just ignores me so I gave up, I didn't even realize that I was crying until my mom wiped my tears.

"This shit is my fault" I cried.

"Baby, look at me okay?" She said and I looked at her.

"Sweetie none of this is your fault we didn't know this would happen and if we did we still wouldn't have guessed that she was going to get shot, so don't beat yourself up okay" she said while hugging me and I nodded just then my phone started ringing I looked at the called ID and I seen that it was Tito.

"Nigga what the fuck happened?" Tito asked.

"Shotta and some of his gang did a fucking surprise attack, Amiyah ended up getting shot" I said while taking off my shirt because I couldn't stand seeing myself covered in blood.

"Which hospital?" He asked and in the back ground I heard the door shut.

"Mercy" I said.

"Im on my way" he said and hung up, I texted the rest of the guys while sitting in the waiting room with my mom, I then got up and walked over to the office.

"How may I help you?" Asked the girl upfront while biting her lip, I just ignored her.

"Can I get a shirt?" I asked and she got up switching extra hard, she came back with a blue polo shirt which I took.

"Hoe I don't need this" I said tearing up her number that she just gave me and threw it in her face. Soon everybody showed up and it's been 3 hours since we've been waiting.

"Family of Amiyah Ravey Jackson?" The doctor asked and we all stood up.

"Well we managed to get the bullet out and stop the bleeding but right now she's unable to breath on her own but you may go see her" he said and we all sighed in relief.

"Which room?" I asked.

"107 3rd floor"he said and we all got in the elevator and made it to the 3rd floor, I seen the room and they decided to give us sometime even though she's not awake.

When I walked in I instantly felt guilt seeing her hooked up to all these machines,I pulled up a chair beside her bed and held her hand.

"Listen I'm gonna need your ass to wake up, because I can't do none of this shit without you your my partner in crime, and no matter how many times we fight your still my peanut head" I said as a couple tears slipped down my face.

"143?" I asked while looking down.

"Forever and always" I thought I heard, I looked up and seen her eyes open.

"I thought I lost you" I said and she had a slight smile.

"You can't get rid of me that easily" she said lowly because she's still in pain, I laughed.

"I will never get rid of you promise" I said with all honesty just as they all walked in.

We talked and everything but then they all left but I stayed, I don't want to leave her alone.

"Come lay next to me" she said while scooting over, I took my shoes off and laid next to her.

"Did you really mean it?" She asked.

"Did I really mean what?" I asked.

"That the kiss didn't mean anything" she said, and sighed no I didn't really mean it but I don't want our friendship to get ruined over this.

"No it does mean something but I don't want our friendship to get messed up over this" I said and she said her head on my chest.

"Your right" was all she said before drifting off to sleep and I cell asleep right after.


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