chapter 3

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I woke up as my  mind wondered back to yesterday I still can't believe we kissed, I mean that's my best friend I sighed as I thought.

This for real could ruin our whole friendship but I hope it doesn't because I liked it and I know that's bad but I can't help what I feel, I looked at my clock on my phone to see that it was 12:56pm wow I slept for that long.

I went to go brush my teeth and take shower, once I was finished i put on my outfit for today *mm* and I decided to just put my curly hair in a messy bun because I'm playing basketball today, yeah I play.

I went inside my closet and grabbed my basketball and I grabbed my keys then left. Once I made it to the basketball court I seen that their was nobody there so I started shooting the ball (making every shot)

"How'd you find me?" I asked Andre seeing him walking over to me, I've never told anybody about this place because it's my place to blow off steam even though it's a public place nobody comes here.

"Because I know you, and I've been calling your phone for the longest why haven't you been answering?" He asked.

"Because I have a lot to think about, why did you kiss me though?" I asked and he sighed.

"I don't know what came over me but I apologize for it, I hope this don't change things between us it ain't mean nothing promise" he said, I was hurt a little when he said it ain't mean any thing.

"It's.... Okay" I said and he smiled.

"So we cool?" He asked I nodded.

"143?" He asked which means do you love me for us.

"Forever and always" I said truthfully and it's true I will forever love my best friend, he hugged me and I hugged back.

"Let's play ball" he said taking the ball from me and shooting it into the hoop.

"Your gonna lose" I said as he took his shirt off and threw it to the side.

"No it's the other way around" he said just as I stole the ball and shot it threw the hoop.

"You were saying" I said and he laughed, he dribbled the ball and before I could even block it he had already dunked it.

"I was saying you were gonna lose" he said. 3 more games later he ended up winning, after the game we decided to go visit his mom who I treat like mine.

"Hey mom" I said hugging her once we walked inside but Andre pushed me away and hugged her I smacked my lips and mushed his head.

"Andre don't be pushing her" She said while popping him upside his head and I laughed.

"That hurts damn" he said and she popped him again, I couldn't help but keep laughing.

"Watch your language" she said with a stern voice, I went inside the kitchen and got a fruit snack.

"Let me get some" he said walking into the kitchen.

"No get your own" I said while eating them and he snatched it from me and ran, I ran after him.

"GIVE THEM BACK!" I yelled because I don't play with my fruit snacks, once I got close enough I pinched his butt and he quickly turned around.

"Quit doing that gay shit for real" he said with a serious face and I laughed while taking my fruit snacks but my laugh soon turned into a frown as I seen the news.

'A young African American man was shot and killed, witnesses say the young man who went by the name of Xavier was just trying to get out his wallet when Officer Bea shot and killed him.
'If you have any more information please contact (568)-566-7890'

"That's a shame how all of us African Americans are the ones to get shot but no white people are when they commit a crime"mom said while shaking her head, this is what I'm talking about this shit is not right I hate how they can just gun us down because they have authority.

" Exactly, all of us are getting shot at but when white people actually pull out a gun on them they don't shoot ugh! That shit just pissed me off" I said while sighing and sitting on the steps.

"Who is it" mama asked once somebody started knocking on the door there was no answer, so Andre went to go look out the window.

"Shit y'all go hide now!" He semi-yelled while pulling out his gun.

"Andre what is going on" mama asked.

"Just get upstairs please" he said and I lead her upstairs to her room and locked the door just as we started hearing gun shots, Mama started crying, when I heard them stop I opened the door but that was a bad idea because I felt something Pierce through my stomach.

I looked down and seen my shirt covered in blood, I soon fell as everything started going blurry.

"Amiyah stay with me!" Is all I heard when everything went black.

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