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Amiyah P.O.V~

"Come on get up!" Andre said as he threw pillows at me, I groaned and hid under the covers, I felt him jump onto my back and pull the covers from my face. "I will lick your face if you don't get up." He mumbled, I tried to pull the covers back over my face but he wouldn't let me so I covered my face with my hands before he could lick my face.

"Move Dre." I laughed as tried to push him off me, I pinched my thigh causing me to pull his ear. "Really nigga? Ain't no ear pulling." I laughed at his silliness as I slapped his neck, I tried to get up and run but he held me down.

"You gonna get up?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, I nodded and he got off of me, I walked into my bathroom and locked it behind me, I brushed my teeth and took a shower. I wrapped a towel around my body and walked out, I didn't see Andre so he must be in the living room.

I took out some clean panties and a bra, once I put that on and lotioned my body I put on my outfit, which was some high waisted shorts, that hugged my thighs and butt nicely, with a white crop top and a jean vest.

For my hair, I jelled and brushed it up into a tight bun, and I wrapped my bandana around it, i put on my white vans and walked out of my room.

"How many damn times do I have to tell your ass not to put your feet on my couch?!" I questioned, he smacked his lips and stood up. "Are you ready?" He asked I nodded and we left.

"Where are we going exactly?" I asked from the passenger side. "A cook out." He said. We pulled up to Westchester park and their were hella people, we got out like the bosses we are and walked over to where the people our age were conversating.

"Nigga I don't even know anybody here." I whined. "Stop whining." He said while grabbing my hand and leading me over to where Ace and them were.

"Oh shit, cover y'all nose." Tito chuckled as he looked behind me, I turned around to see that girl Latisha, I sighed.

"Hey y'all." She slurred, is this bitch really drunk at a cook out? And its only 12pm. "Man yo breath smell like straight ass, back up." Ace said while moving away from her causing all of us to laugh.

"Shut up always talking shit, and what you laughing at?" She asked me with attitude, I felt Ace snake his arm around me as he held me back.

"I ain't laughing at the damn sky, I'm laughing at you." I said bluntly, that's when Trish and another girl cane over.

"Is this bitch bothering you?" Trish asked Latisha, I began pulling my hair up. "I swear on my fucking life if I have to beat up some hoe's today." I said aloud.

"Hoe's?" They questioned like its not their label. "Don't act so fucking surprised, the names labeled right across your face." I said, before I knew it Trish tried to launch at me but Andre pushed her back.

Ace pulled me away from the little scene, I leaned up against a tree with him standing in front of me. "You calmed down?" He questioned, I wanted to nod but I would be lying and he would see right through it.

"Hell no, I can't go at least one day with out one of Andre's hoe's thinking they can step up to my ass!" I pouted, he chuckled.

"My momma always said, there's gonna be haters but you just gotta keep letting them hate, if they do that then you must be something right." He said, I guess I am doing something right if they wanna keep calling me bitches and hoes, when I've never sucked dick nor anything related to that, and last I checked I'm not a female dog, but they might as well be because they probably get down on all fours and bark when they are told.

"I guess your right." I mumbled. "I know I am." He said with a smile.

"Boy you ain't cute." I tried to hide my smile, and that's a fact he ain't cute he's fine. "Then I must be fine." He said, causing me to bite my bottom lip.

"I wouldn't do that, you might start something that you can't finish." He smirked, I looked down at me feet with a blush on my cheeks, I felt him lift up my face so I could look at him.

"You don't got to hide it." He said as he leaned in, I closed my eyes waiting for him to kiss me. When I felt his lips on mine, I swear I went to heaven, his lips were so soft.

I pulled him closer to me by wrapping my arms around his neck, he wrapped his arms around my waist as he swipt his tongue along my bottom lip asking for entrance, I denied teasing him.

I moaned as he gripped my ass, he took that advantage to slide his tongue in, our tongues battled for control but he of course won, when we pulled away for air I backed up a little bit and I knew by now that my cheeks were redder then red.

"Aye what y'all doing over here?" I heard Tito ask as he made his way over to us. "Nothing." Me and Ace said in usion, Tito eyed us but then smirked.

"Mhmm y'all were doing something." Tito smirked, I covered my face with my hands to keep them from seeing me smile.

"Nigga go on somewhere and mind your business." Ace said with a laugh, I heard Tito chuckle. "I ain't gonna say nothing." Tito said as I heard him walk away, I uncovered my face and Ace stood in front of me.

"Your a good ass kisser." He said. "You ain't to bad yourself." I joked, I pushed him in his chest playfully. "I'm pretty sure I heard your ass moan when I gripped yo ass and when I slid my tongue in your mouth so I must be a good ass kisser."he chuckled. We then walked back to the group like nothing happened.

I walked over to the coolers to get something to drink when someone touched my shoulder, it better be Tito or one of them because I honestly don't like people I don't know touching me.

I turned around and seen someone I thought I would never see again, my heart instantly felt like it had stopped beating, and I was frozen in my place. "Missed me?" The man who I have so much hatred for asked.

"No how could I miss someone who abused me and my mother!?" I questioned more like snapped, I don't know where this courage came from but it came at the right time, his eyes got darker.

Before I knew it, he had pulled my hair, but he made it look like he was holding my head. But I don't get how nobody still ain't see this. "Listen here, you wanna act tough and get smart with me? Bitch I'm gonna show you!" He gritted in my ear, wait, wait did he just call me a bitch? I hate the bitch word.

I squirmed out of his grip and socked him into his jaw, and I kept socking him until he fell to the ground, I quickly ran over to Andre and them. "We got to go please." I begged.

"What's wrong? what happened?" He asked, I didn't even realize I was crying until they all rushed over to me. "He's back." I cried.

"Who is?" Ace asked. "My dad." I said, I seen Andre's jaw clench, but before I knew it gun shots were fired, before I knew it I felt something cold and wet.

I looked down to see blood oozing out of my stomach, before I could hit the ground Ace caught me, I heard yelling but I could make out the voice, I can't believe I had got shot yet again.

"Amiyah, keep your eyes open." I heard Ace say as he picked me up I couldn't even speak because blood began to rise in my throat. "Hold we ain't losing you." Ace said as he held my head up, I was in so much pain, physically, mentally, and emontionlly, shit can't just go my way.

I kept trying to keep my eyes open but no use the pain was unbearable and I just couldn't take it anymore, I let my eyes close and I let my body go limp.

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