chapter 6

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I woke up to Amiyah gone, I then remembered what happened yesterday, I shouldn't have kissed her I was just caught up in the moment, hopefully this don't change shit.

I ran my hand down my face while standing up and going into the bathroom, I peed, and washed my hands after, I walked downstairs to see amiyah sitting in the counter and eating toast, I walked over to her and took it.

"De'andre give it back" she called me by my first name but knowing I hate that shit she got down and ran, I quickly caught up to her and through her on the couch, I sat on her stomach.

"Get your fat ass off of me." She tried to push me off but I ain't budge."say sorry." I said and she sighed. "I'm sorry."she whined, I climbed off of her and handed her back her toast.

"About that kiss yesterday." I mumbled. "That wasn't suppose to happen we were just caught up in the moment." She nodded slowly."your right, we can't ruin our friendship." She said and I smiled knowing that she understands.

After I ate breakfast, I went to take a shower, and brush my teeth then put on some clothes, I had on my white polo shorts a black tee shirt, and my grapes', I put on my gold watch and my chain, I sprayed my Ralph Lauren cologne.

Once Amiyah came out I ain't gonna lie my eyes traveled up and down her body, she had on some white shorts that stopped 5 inches below her butt which made it pop out even more, and she had on a black tight crop top that wasn't to tight, she had her hair in a bun and her white Light LED sneekers that I paid 200 for.

"Let's go." She said, and that's what we did, we decided to go to the mall. Once we pulled up and walked inside this shit was packed as hell.

"Oops my bad ma." I turned to my left and seen a nigga helping amiyah, I ain't gonna lie I got a Lil jealous but ion know why?.

I seen her give him her number And I just shook my head while walking to the food court.

Once I dropped Amiyah off at her house, I drove to mine and just relaxed.

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