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I took the box with me into the house and sat it on the living room table before going into the kitchen, once I found a knife I walked back into the living room where I sat down on the couch and stabbed the knife down the middle of the box and began cutting it open.

Once it was open I found a letter on top of the paper, I grabbed it and it read Dad which made me cringe so hard, I opened the letter and began reading it.

Bitch you think that you could still get away from me? You thought wrong baby girl! This is just a warning I'm leaving it up to you for you to tell your bitch ass best friend that I'm coming for y'all and blood will be shed, lots of it.


Once I finished reading it I began crying, no matter how hard I try I still can't get away from the past I hate him so much that I honestly want to kill him but I still can't find the courage to just that.

I wiped my face and removed the paper but to only see pictures of my mom on a basement floor with blood all over her and she looked like she had been tortured and she had cut wounds everywhere causing me to cover my mouth and break down crying.

Another picture was billy raping her and her begging for him to stop, then another one was of him beating her, all this time I thought she died of cancer because that's what he had told me but in reality he had killed her.

I screamed and screamed wanting to kill him, I punched and kicked at everything, I didn't even notice that Andre had to restrain as I cried and let all my anger out.

"Amiyah! Amiyah!" He tried to calm me down but it wasn't working, I didn't even notice that Tito, Ace, Moose, JR and Maria walked in.

Ace had bent down in front of me trying to calm me down but I couldn't everything from when he use to beat me and my mom till now I was so hurt to see that my mom went through all that. Everything and all the memories just came flooding back.

In my blurry Vision I seen Ace and Tito reading the letter and looking at the pictures, it took me awhile to finally calm down but when I did I felt so numb and couldn't say anything because my throat was sore from crying and screaming. They sat around me while Ace held but in all honesty I was ready to kill that bastard.

"I want to kill him." I finally choked out.

"Nah I can't have you killing somebody." Ace and Andre said.

"Do you see those pictures! Do you see what he did to her!?" I snapped and they all put their heads down.

"Exactly, he told me that she died of fucking cancer but he actually killed her! I can't let that shit slide." I said while standing up and grabbing the box I took it outside to my backyard and poured gasoline on it.

I lit a match and through it on to the box, I watched the pictures burn and the letter, I walked back inside and they followed I guess you could say that I'm not in my right state of mind but I just have a thirst to kill him after what I seen.

"Amiyah I know how your feelin' but shit you got to think of something better than going after Billy without a plan." Tito said and I know he's right.

I felt my phone ring in my pocket and seen that it was an unknown number, I looked at it for awhile before answering it.

"Hello?" I answered, I heard that disgusting laugh in the background.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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