chapter 5

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(2 weeks later)

It's been two long ass weeks in that smelly ass hospital, now I finally can leave but anyways I was now finishing up my hair in the hospital bathroom.

Once I was done I walked out and woke Andre up because his ass was knocked out on one of the chairs.

"Nigga come on and sign me out" I said shaking him and he finally woke up and grabbed our stuff, we left the hospital room and made our way to the front desk where he signed me out.

We rode down the elevator and outside to his car it felt good to be out of there, I swear I lost 4 pounds because I wasn't eating that nasty ass hospital food.

"Can we go get some ice cream?" I asked.

"Yeah but hold on let me make a stop" he said and I sighed while rolling my eyes.

"Why are you rolling your eyes?" He asked.

"Because your only going over Trish's house! Matter of fact just take me home" I said while looking out the window, I heard him sigh as we pulled up to some big ass house.

"Oh my gosh i just said take me home" I said and he got out, he opened my door without saying anything.

"Come on" he said, I groaned and got out and followed him to the door, he opened it.

"SURPRISE!!" Yelled Tito and them, there was a sign up top that said 'welcome home Amiyah' our mama came and gave me a hug which came with a big ass group hug from the guys.

"Y'all be careful!" Snapped mama and they let go, I then realized my furniture was here.

"How you like your new house?" Andre asked with a smirk, I attacked him a hug.

"Thank you thank you!" I said like a little ass kid but you would to.

"Your welcome" he said hugging me back, as everyone started having there own conversation, we soon walked outside to the huge backyard.

"This bitch" I said showing him the photo of Trish who was saying she the baddest bitch.

"That's the biggest lie I've ever seen" he said while we walked along the little path that leads towards the woods.

We were talking about random shit and we soon started walking back towards my house. We all talked and laughed, and ate for some hours until they all left except for Andre because he said that he didn't want to leave me alone.

I was now washing my hair in the shower when I heard the door open, I peeked my head out and seen Andre peeing.

"Really nigga you couldn't wait for me to get out?" I asked while laughing.

"Shut up you've seen me naked before" he said while pulling up his pants and flushing the toilet and walking out.

After I finished washing my hair I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my body and hair then walked out of the bathroom to see Andre laid comfortably on my bed.

I got my panties and bra then my pajamas and went inside my closet and changed into them, my pajamas consisted of a black sports bra and some red shorts.

"Your gonna stop that real talk" he said and I rolled my eyes and brushed my hair up so it was a slick pony tail even though it was going to re curl in the morning.

I got into my bed and laid next to him while turning on the TV, I seen Martin on so we watched it.

"It looks like it's healing better" I said while sitting up and re patching my bullet wound which closed up last week and is now turning into a scar and he just nodded, I could tell he's still feeling bad about what happened so I laid my head on his bare chest.

"I'm okay it's not your fault" I said and he wrapped his arms around me.

"I can't imagine losing you" he said holding me tighter.

"Nigga you won't lose me" I said while laughing and he joined in, and I don't know what came over me but I ended up kissing him.

He kissed back while flipping us over so he was on top, I moaned into the kiss because his lips were so soft.

He rubbed his tongue against my lip, asking for entrance and I accepted as our tongue's moved in sync, we soon pulled away and he rested his forehead against mine he laid next to me and that's how we fell asleep.

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