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Andre P.O.V~

My best friend got shot again, why can't shit stay drama free, and the worst part about it is that her punk ass so called dad shot her, but afar from that my best friend was in the back nearly on the verge of dying.

"Dre drive faster, she's barely breathing." Ace said as held Amiyah, fuck the police, I drove past the speed limit, passing through red lights until we pulled up to Johnson hospital, before I could even park Ace had already hopped out and ran her inside.

I'm covered in my best friends blood again, if she dies I'm gonna be lost mane. Tito, me, and Jay R ran inside after, I seen Ace sitting down with his head in his hands.

"They got her in surgery." He said with a sigh. "Who's her dad? I've never seen her that scared before well scared period." Tito said, I sighed and sat down.

"Remember that nigga who would sell dope to kids when we were younger?" I asked. "You talking about Billy? Billy her dad?" They asked in disbelief, I nodded.

"He abused Amiyah and her mom, but when Amiyah's mom died he tried to rape her, she was only 10, that's why Amiyah don't show her feelings very much." I explained, they all looked deep in thought, as people walked by they gave us sympathetic looks.

"At least I put a bullet through his shoulder." Jay R said. "How did you get a clear shot with everybody running?" I asked.

"Well I seen a nigga still pointing a gun at Amiyah even though she fell, his ass was gonna shoot her again, before he could pull the trigger had already shot him in his shoulder." He said, we thanked him and talked some more until  the doctor came out 3 hours later.

"Family of Amiyah Jackson?" We all stood up, even though he probably knew we weren't he ain't ask. "We managed to get the bullet out before it could do anymore serious damages and we had to give her a breathing tube because she couldn't breath on her own, she also has lost a lot of blood so we had to do a blood tranfusion but afar from that she okay." He said, shit my best friend was really on the verge of dying.

"Can we see her?" I asked. "Yes but she may be sore because the pain medication my not have kicked in yet, she's in room 134." He said, with that we all started walking to her room since its on the 1st floor, I braced myself before opening the door.

There were needles hooked into her arms, she had a bandage wrapped around her stomach, she had the breathing tube machine plugged up next to her but atleast she was sitting up, watching TV.

"How you feeling?" Tito asked her. "Like shit." She mumbled while sitting up a little bit more.

"When I get out of this fucking hospital I'm gonna kill billy's ass on god." She said seriously.

"No the hell your not, you've been shot twice." I said.

"Your not my boss! You may have everybody else's ass on lock down but not mine fuck you think this is!" She snapped, I just looked at her like she grew two heads. "I'm the person who's been looking out for your ass since day one! But fuck this I'm about to go to the trap." I said while walking out of the room, I ain't come to hear her give me a fucking attitude because I was trying to watch her back.

"Slow down." I heard Tito, Jay R, and Ace say. "That's your best friend in there y'all should talk this shit out before jumping at each others throats."Jay R said.

"Nah because if I go back in there I might say some shit that I might or might not regret." I said honestly while continuing to walk out. "We coming witchu I ain't got time for your ass to do something stupid." Jay R chuckled.

"Nah one of y'all gonna have to stay back to watch over her." I said, I may be mad at her but I still care about her safety. "I'll stay." Ace said, nodded and he walked back into the hospital.
Amiyah P.O.V~

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