When Worlds Combine ~ Frisk

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When Worlds Combine ~ Frisk

"If you could restart the world, would you?" The young brown haired child look up at me. They had disappeared for about a week and recently was found, at the base of Mount Ebott. I decided to stop in at the orphanage where Frisk stayed. I would many times help out there, I loved talking to the children. Today the Orphanage owner and the rest of the children went to the shrine at the base of the mountain. Frisk didn't want to go, so I said I would watch them.

"I don't know, I guess I would." I respond, after thinking for a bit. It was such a odd question, though it's not that surprising, after all, Frisk was a child. Children many times would ask odd questions, I've worked with them enough to have gotten more than my fair share of odd questions.

"Why?" Frisk asks, looking back down to the drawing they were working on. It was super cute. It was them hugging a ghost with headphones and a top hat. Where they got idea, I have no idea. It was probably a imaginary friend. I remember when I used to have imaginary friends.

"I guess it would be kinda of an undo, right? If I messed up, I can go back and fix it. It would also allow me to do things that I wouldn't normally do, since I'm afraid it would mess my life up." I explain to the child, who nods, coloring with a white crayon, seemingly getting annoyed that it wasn't showing up on the white paper, causing me to giggle.

"But what happens if you mess up the whole world by doing so?" They finally say, giving up on the white crayon. They grab a green crayon instead.

"Oh? Then I just restart." I say, finding the answer very obvious. Frisk was drawing grass in the background, one blade was about 3 times longer than all the others.

"No, I mean permanently mess up the world." They reply, grabbing more crayons.

"I guess I wouldn't if that happened." I finally say. Frisk just nods. They finally finish the picture, showing me. I smile. "Cute!"

"That's me!" They point out. "That's Napstablook and that's Flowey." He points to the Ghost, then a flower. It had a face. Kids are so adorable.

"That's super awesome!" I reply.

"Can you draw me a picture?" Frisk asks. They always loved to look at my sketchbook, always saying that someday they would be better than me. Frisk was always filled with determination.

"Sure!" I say with a nod. "What would you like me to draw?" Frisk pulls out another picture they must have drawn earlier from their pocket. It was folded into fourths. I carefully took it and unfolded it. It was a drawing of two skeletons, I think.

"That's Sans and Papyrus." Frisk says. I smile. This kid was so creative. "They are brothers. Sans likes to joke around and say puns and Papyrus is super hard working and likes spaghetti." Frisk explains, causing me to chuckle.

"Okay! I'll draw them when I get home. Can I take this as a reference?" I ask and getting a nod in response. I look at my wrist watch, seeing that it was almost 6:30. "How about we go to the shrine? I have to study for a big test, so I need to get home. Plus I'm hungry!"

"Sure!" Frisk says, standing up and dusting themselves off. I stand up to, raise my arms to stretch them high above my head. I put my arms down and Frisk grabs ahold of my hand. We make our way to the shrine and about 15 minutes later I was waving bye.

I walked inside the house I owned, or well, my parents owned but I borrowed. I tried to convince them I can pay for my own house, but they said that they wanted to help me out as much as I could. In a nutshell, my parents bought my house so that I could spend more time on other things rather than worrying about paying rent. It was a nice house, one full bathroom, one half bathroom, a living room, kitchen and dining room, plus a master bedroom and two guest bedrooms. It was two stories, the full bath and bedrooms upstairs and everything else on the first floor. I look at my watch. Almost 7. I sighed, grabbing a snack and my notes for my exam that would be taking place in two days. I sit on my couch in the living room and turned on the T.V. I should have been smarter. There is no way I can study and watch T.V at the same time. I got distracted. At 8 I realized that I had just spent an hour watching television instead of studying.

"Gah!" I exclaim, leaning over to grab the remote. I sit up, about to turn off the television, but something caught my attention.

"Breaking News!" The newswoman on the screen says. I look at her confused, until the screen changes from the newswoman to the mountain shrine. My eyes widen, I wasn't listening to whatever the newspeople were saying, instead, I grabbed the picture that Frisk let me borrow. I look at it then look at the screen. "...We believe that they are harmless and that there is no need to panic. They all seem to also know Frisk, who had been recently found after being missing for a week." My jaw drops along with the picture. I quickly compose myself, running to the front door, grabbing a light jacket along the way. When you are running, getting from my house to the shrine doesn't take very long. Along the way, though, I almost tripped on these huge frog like creatures. I couldn't really believe my eyes. I was trying to get a minor in history, so I knew the old tales about the humans and the monsters, but I never thought that they were real, just like I don't think Greek mythology was real. I say I'm sorry to the monsters, then begin to run off again. I made my way to the shrine. Many people were already there, most of them police people, newspeople and military people. Very few civilians were there. I was breathing heavily, brushing some of my (h/c) hair out of my eyes. I scoot past a few people, trying my way to the shrine. A hand stops me. I look up at the owner, seeing a policeman.

"Sorry, miss, you can't go in here!" He says. I look at him with pleading eyes.

"Sir... my friend is in there. Please?" I beg. He looks at me.

"Look, if I said you could, then I would have to say everyone cou-"

"(Y/N)!" I hear a familiar voice, I look forward, seeing Frisk. I run to my friend, the policeman allowing me to do so. I hug Frisk.

"Frisk!" I say happily.

"Were you worried about me?" Frisk asks, somewhat confused.

"Yes." I admit. Of course I was worried about them! They were like a younger sibling to me.

"You didn't need to be worried, the monster are really nice!" They respond. I smile sadly.

"It wasn't the monsters I was worried about." I say. It was true. I wasn't worried about them, really I was worried for them. I know humans, after all I am one. Humans are not the ones that should be afraid, the monsters should be. I know that we won't welcome them, in fact, we will probably try to force them back to where we locked them up the first time. I guess they are a bit lucky, after all, we humans have pretty much lost all traces of magic, so trapping them again would be difficult.

"(Y/N), I have some people I want to show you!" Frisk says happily. I nod, standing up. They take my hand and lead me into the shrine.

When Worlds Combine ~ Sans X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now