When Worlds Combine ~ The Talk

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When Worlds Combine ~ The Talk

Asgore and I walked away from the other monsters, wanting to make sure none of the others could hear us talk. I didn't try to look at the larger monster. The guilt I felt before was nothing like what I was feeling now.

"Sans told me a lot about you, (Y/N)." He says, looking down at me. I take a deep breath, running a hand through my (h/c) hair. I decide to stay quiet. "He seems to really respect you. He told me how you offered to help Papyrus cook and talked about human history. He told me about what happened yesterday with the human. He also told me what happened this morning." I knew this was where this conversation was going.

"He... tells you a lot of things." I reply.

"Yes, many monsters like to talk to me. As their king, I like to listen." Asgore says.

"You are a very good king." I respond. Asgore looks away, looking up at the sky.

"You don't think humans and monsters can live together peacefully." He points out. I turn to him.

"I'm sorry, sir. It's just that I... I know humans. We don't react well to lots of change in a short amount of time. I... I'm sorry... I really shouldn't have said all those things this morning..." I apologize, hanging my head.

"There is no need to apologize. I can understand why you would have those thoughts, I've had many myself. The government of your world is already thinking about restricting what we monsters can and cannot do." He says calmly. I look up at him.

"Really?" I ask, getting a nod in response.

"Sometimes I wonder if it was the right thing to do, to break the barrier." He admits.

"I... I believe it was the right thing, even though I'm sure the next few years are going to be tough on you guys. In all honesty, I'm really happy to have meet everyone. While I'm worried about while happen, I'm still glad you monsters decided to come back. When everything gets worked out, I believe the world will be a much better place." I say, happy to see that he was smiling. He placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I believe you may be right. Thank you." I nod in response. "Let's get back to the others." He says, making it back to the pinic, I followed behind him.

We stayed at the park for a few hours, in fact, the sun was starting to set. Papyrus, Sans and I were all walking home. Papyrus was talking about how much fun he had. We were halfway home when Papyrus turned to me.

"HEY (Y/N)! WHAT WERE YOU TALKING ABOUT WITH KING ASGORE?" He asked. My (e/c) eyes widen. I had a feeling Sans knew what we were talking about, but I don't think Papyrus should know what we were talking about.

"Um... nothing much... just getting to know each other better." I respond.

"OKAY! SO, FRISK AND UNDYNE..." He continues to talk about the picnic. We made it to my house, where I decided to turn on the television. I ended up going to the cooking shows, where Papyrus happily watched. I made my way to my room, deciding to go to bed a tad bit early. I fell asleep, only to get waken up a hour later. The knocking on my door continues. I groan, rubbing my eyes.

"Yeah?" I call sleepily.

"May I come in, (Y/N)?" Sans asks. I instantly wake up.

"Err, sure." I say, sitting up in my bed. Sans open the door and walks in. "Is there something you need?"

"Just need to talk to you." He says, walking over to me. I move, allowing him to sit on my bed.

"Alright, what do you need to talk about?"

"I want to know if you are okay with Pap and I staying here. We can always find somewhere else."

"No no no no." I look at him, hurt. I didn't want them to leave! "I... I really enjoy your guys' company! Please don't leave..." I say the last part quietly. Sans watches me carefully. I look away, not wanting to see Sans face. What I didn't know because I turned away was that Sans was smiling in relief. He placed his hand on top of mine, causing me to look back at the skeleton. His smiled grew even larger.

"That's good, because I would be in a ton of trouble with Pap if I had to tell him we had to leave. A skele-ton of trouble." Sans lightens the mood with a pun, causing me to chuckle. I nod and stay quiet. Neither of us said a word, creating a somewhat awkward silence. It didn't take long for me to fall back asleep.

I woke up in a panic, realizing it was almost 8 o clock. I kicked off my covers about to rush to try to get to school on time when I realized a very important fact, it was a Saturday. With a groan, I face planted into a pillow. I tried to fall asleep again, wanting to get some rest before having to get up and do things. That's when I hear a knock on my door. For a second I think about just not responding, but then decide to respond with a groan. The person on the other side of the door, chuckles. The door swings open and footsteps make their way over to my bed. Something gets set onto my nightstand, a hand placed on my shoulder. I turn my head to see Sans smiling down at me. I groan again, getting another chuckle from Sans.

"I made you some tea." He says. I sit up, rubbing my eyes.

"Thanks, Sans." I say, a tired smile on my face. Sans own smile grows.

"No problem, kid." I raise an eyebrow, as he hand me the mug that he had set on the nightstand next to my bed. I take a sip of the tea. A surprised expression appears on my face. "Is it okay?" Sans asks worriedly.

"Yeah, what type is it? I never tasted anything like this." I reply.

"Golden Flower tea. It's Asgore's favorite. He showed me how to make it the other day." Sans says, rubbing the back of his skull.

"So, wait... you didn't get my tea pun, yet you knew what tea was?" I ask. Sans shurgs.

"No, I didn't know what tea was." Sans responds.


"I didn't talk much to Asgore before coming up to the surface." Sans explains. I nod, continue to drink the tea.

When Worlds Combine ~ Sans X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now