When Worlds Combine ~ Murder

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When Worlds Combine ~ Murder

I was sitting down in the office I was given. It wasn't a bad office, it had a window, which makes it better than many of my classes in college. It was that same window that I was currently looking out, happily daydreaming. When no one came knocking at my door, my office was a peaceful place, so peaceful that every once in a while I would fall asleep. At this moment, I was thinking actually thinking about taking a nap. A nice, peaceful nap with no nightmares whatsoever. Of course, my phone rings. Tempted to not pick it up, I stare at it, letting it ring a few times. I sigh, picking the phone up. I shouldn't get lazy on my job.

"Hello, this is (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N). How may I help you?" I ask in a sweet voice.

"(Y/N), Turn on the news."

"Huh? Look, Hannah, you know I don't have a Television in here!" I sigh, instantly able to reconigze the voice of my assistant. Yeah, I got an assistant. It was pretty nice, being able to talk to someone with very similar views as myself, especially about the monsters.

"Then come out of your office! Fast! Like super duper fas-" I hang up the phone, groaning and going out of my office to see Hannah practically right outside my door.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)! Listen to me, please! Are you still ther-" She asks into the phone. I clear my throat loud enough for her to hear, then turn my attention to the T.V. If Hannah was saying anything, and I know she was, I didn't hear it. My full attention was on the screen in front of me. "This is bad, (Y/N)! What are we going to do?"

"We are going there. We have to make sure nothing worse happens." I say, rushing off, Hannah closely on my heels.

I was out of breath and Hannah had to stop halfway for a similar reason. Sirens wailed and lights were flashing. There was chaos and yelling everywhere.

"Ms. (Y/L/N)? Is that you?" A voice asks. I turn, seeing a very familiar policeman. I nod. "I'm Officer Nolan, we met a little over a month ago." My eyes widen, finally remembering where I saw the male before. He was the one who tried to stop me when I went to the shrine. "I'm going to guess you already know what has happened."

"Yeah." I nod my head.

"Good, we need damage control." He says, throwing a megaphone into my arms.

"Wait, what do you expect me to do with this?" I ask as Officer Nolan starts to walk away.

"Prevent a riot." He says, as I follow him.

"How do I do that?" I ask.

"That's your job, not mine. I deal with the crimes, you make sure that no one else gets hurt." He says, cause me to stop in my track.

"I thought that was your job too." I mummbled. I look down at the megaphone before making my way to someplace where I could get the attention of the civilians. I climbed on top of a police car. Around a hundred human civilians were being held back by policemen and women, along with some other civilian while just as many monsters were either doing the same or trying to get away. A familiar red haired, blue skin fish lady was being held back by a smaller, yellow dinosaur like woman were in the crowd of monsters. I take a deep breath a turn on the megaphone. Attempt after attempt, I tried to get the attention of the civilians but could maybe only get a few people to notice me. After many painful minutes, I was able to get everyone's attention. Somewhat.

"My name is (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N), as many of you probably know. I would like to ask you all to stay cal-" I start to say, only to get cut off by a familiar voice.

"Stay calm? Stay calm?! Really, (Y/N)? Those things... those beasts killed an innocent person! Do you really think we can be calm?" The art student yells at me. I fight the urge to roll my eyes.

"Humans kill innocent people all the time." I point out. "Just like any other murder, we-" Cue in second time I was cut off. It seemed like most people want to be quiet, and I was thankful about that. Yet, there was still that one person who wouldn't keep her mouth shut.

"Any other murder? This isn't like any other murder! Those monster want to eradicate-"

"I would like to ask everyone to go back home, so that the police can find out exactly what happened. We hope to be able to find the person or monster who was responsible for this mess soon, but to do that we need you all to cooperate. Thank you for understanding and listening." I say, talking over the only person who was trying to argue with me. Even Undyne and the monsters were staying quiet, only one person even trying to argue with me. People start to walk away, calmly going back to their house. I get off the police car and turned off the megaphone. I'm instantly practically swarmed with reporters. I calmly answer questions, everything ranging from facts to opinions. After some policemen chased off the reporters, I started to make my way home, running a hand through my hair. I was tired. I open the door to my house... and instantly collapse onto the floor.

I woke up in my bed the next morning. I turned my head, seeing a the older of the skeleton brothers sleeping in a chair off to the side. I sit up and slip out of the bed, making sure to not wake up Sans. I make my way downstairs and decided to cook some food. Half an hour later, I hear a knock on my front door.

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