When Worlds Combine ~ Suspects

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When Worlds Combine ~ Suspects

I walk over to the front door, a plate of eggs and bacon in hand. The knocking continues, only stopping when I open the door. A very tired Officer Nolan was standing outside the door.

"Officer Nolan?" I look at him confused.

"(Y/N)." He responds.

"How did you get here?" I ask.

"I asked around. We need to ask you a question." He responds.

"Alright.... what do you need?"

"Information. We have an idea of which monster killed Mark yesterday. We need to find them, but no one has a clue where to find them. I thought you may know." He explained. I nod in understanding.

"What are you going to do when you find them?" I ask, nervous of the answer.

"Do what we do to any other person, take them to court." I sigh in relief.

"Alright... who are you trying to find?"

"According to witnesses-." Officer Nolan stopped talking, looking over my shoulder. I follow his gaze. Instantly everything clicked. Color drained from my face, my stomach formed knots. I look back at Officer Nolan.

"It can't be... he would never!" I say as a very confused Papyrus looks at the two of us.

"HUMAN, WHAT IS GOING ON?" Papyrus asks. I don't respond to the skeleton as Officer Nolan sighs.

"You want to explain... I think it would be better if you did." He says.

"It wasn't him!" I protest.

"I believe you, but that doesn't mean I can't do my job." I look to the younger of the skeleton brothers, knowing that Nolan was correct.

"Pap... You are going to have to go with Officer Nolan. You are a... suspect for the murder that happened yeasterday. All you have to do is tell everyone who asks the truth. Okay?" I explain to him. He thinks for a second, but then smiles.

"ALRIGHT, HUMAN! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS WILL DO AS YOU SAY! TELL SANS WHERE I AM, HE WILL BE WORRIED." Papyrus exclaims walking over to Officer Nolan. He then extends his hand to Officer Nolan. "HELLO HUMAN! I'M THE GREAT PAPYRUS!" Officer Nolan shakes Papyrus' hand, introducing himself and escorting Papyrus out of the door. I sigh, setting the plate of food down, no longer feeling hungry. I sit down on the couch, just thinking about what happened. I don't know how long I was sitting there thinking, I just know that when I was pulled out of my thoughts, Sans was waving a hand in front of my face.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks worriedly. I take a deep breath and shake my head. He was about to ask what was wrong but was cut off by me wrapping my arms around him. I hug him tightly causing him to look at me confused.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" He asks. After a few minutes I pull away from the older skeleton.

"Papyrus is going to be taken to court for murder." I say quietly. Sans doesn't say anything for a while.

"Pap.... He couldn't do it! He couldn't hurt a froggit!" Sans finally says.

"You know that, I know that, Pap knows that, a few others know that... but it won't matter. All we can do is hope that the court sees that." I respond, not looking at him. Sans gets up and starts to make his way to the door. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to find out the truth." He responds. I look at him, confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Someone framed Papyrus, I'm going to find out who and why." Sans explains. I get off of the couch and hurry over to the short monster.

"I'm coming with you." I say, putting on my shoes.

"You don't have t-" Sans starts to say before I cut him off.

"Papyrus is my friend, plus this is kinda my job. I won't be able to keep everything under control if I don't have the facts." I respond. Sans looks at me, then nods.

We searched for hours, trying to find something, anything that could lead us to the truth. Sans and I were walking down the street asking questions when I heard someone call my name. Both Sans and I stop to turn around and find the person who said my name. A woman around my age jog up to me. She smiles, showing her white teeth.

"Um.. hello?" I ask, as she takes off a notebook and pencil.

"My name is Melisa Rey. I'm a reporter and would like to ask you some questions, if that's okay with you." Melisa introduces herself. I look over to Sans.

"I'll go ahead." He responds, starting to walk off. I was about to stop him, but decided against it. He probably needed sometime alone.

"So, Ms. (Y/L/N)... was that your boyfriend?" Melisa asks, causing me to look at her with wide eyes, a large blush on my face.

"Wha-what? N-no! We aren't-!" I stuttered. Melisa smiles.

"Awwww, you're so cute! You like him, don't you?" She says. I look at her, giving her the puppy dog eyes, begging her to stop. "You two would be so cute together! Why don't you say something to him?"

"Now really isn't the time to say anything." I respond, trying to act professional. "His brother is currently the main suspect for what happened yesterday. We are trying to find some evidence on what happened. Do you, by chance, have any information on that topic?" I ask.

"Awwwww, I'm so sorry, I don't know anything... well, I guess I'll let you get to work." She says. I instantly run off, glad to get away. I look around, realizing I didn't know where Sans went. I start to wonder around, asking people if they have seen the short skeleton. A few people said they saw him, so I followed their directions. The rest of the night I went on a wild goose chase, trying to find Sans.

When Worlds Combine ~ Sans X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now