I'm better off this way.
Okay, hey. That was just my quote of the day up there in bold. Well, today I started school! Tell me how cool that is. So, I actually had a really good day! Like, a really really good day! But I go back tomorrow, and then I have like 2 days off, wtf? Lol. Well, I'm listening to music right now, and it's a good time. And tonight I'm going to Kohl's. Lol, ewh. But, since I haven't wrote on here in so long, I thought I should write what I thought about today! So much has been going on, some good, some bad. I've gotten really happy over this past month. And considering I am going to a new school now, it gives me a fresh beginning. And meeting new people is great too. But right now, I'm eating Mac 'N Cheese, so I don't care about writing anything else. Okay, bai. c:
The Really Happy Girl