December 18th, 2k11

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So, I was at my friend's house because ya know, that's what friend's do. Sleepovers, hangouts, etc. Our plans were to spend the whole weekend together. BIG MISTAKE. The first day was perfectly fine, PERFECTLY FINE. But yesterday, Saturday, we went to the mall and shit like that. It was fine-ish. I suppose. Anyways, she started smacking me across the face FOR NO REASON. I told her repeatedly to stop because I have braces and what not. It's hurts, ya know? She was basically abusing me the whole fucking day for no reason. Then she was like, "You're fucking annoying. Go away. No one likes you anyways." <--- THAT WAS OUT OF NOWHERE. What she doesn't understand is that I was her only friend and I am no longer her friend because of today. She always walked the line but I never expected her to cross it. She went way too far. She's always fucking wrong. I know I get ideas off of people. But this bitch literally copies everything I do. I dyed my underneath blonde, so she dyes it blonde. All my band tees... yeah. She has all the same ones. Cool, eh? Usually the same shoes. All the bands I listen to, she now listens to. What's funny is she just started this. She used to make fun of me ALL the time about my plugs, clothing, hair, etc. But now she's exactly like me. She's a fucking hypocrite. I'm done. I take too much shit from people. I let people hurt me, physically and emotionally. I let people walk all over me. I let people do anything they want to me. I have no will power to stand up for myself. But tonight was the last straw. Say goodbye to our friendship. Deuces.

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