Chapter 4

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Hey everyone! I have returned from my trip. I am extremely sore and still really tired but I had a lot of fun. I met so many people and made a bunch of new friends. Even as I'm typing this I'm messaging them. There were also a ton of guys there ;) which I do miss but now that I'm back I can upload a new chapter. Anyway I just wanted to quickly mention that it is James Maslow's 23rd birthday today!!!! I am so proud of everything he has done and will continue to do in the future. Anyway enjoy this chapter :)


Nadia's POV

"So are you saying that the queen is worse than Nefera?" I asked Rayne. Yesterday after I met her, I started worrying about meeting the queen.

"Unfortunately yes. That is where Princess Nefera gets her ways from," Rayne replied.

She and I were exploring more of the castle's elaborate hallways and rooms. Last time my tour got cut a little short because of the little run in we had. Each room was decorated in the finest marble. There were sculptures and paintings scattered on each level. I was in awe, until I heard an ear-piercing alarm go off. I slapped my hands over my ears.

"Rayne," I yelled over the alarm. "What is happening?"

She turned to me with a pained expression on her face. "That is the queen's alarm. It means she is very angry and wants all of her servants to report in. We must go," she said swimming rapidly toward one of the doors on the side.

I followed closely behind her until we reached a huge ballroom. It was not very packed, which gave me an easy path to see the queen. She was sitting in a large throne looking very displeased. Next to her stood a larger thrown that I assumed was for my father. It was empty. Nefera sat in a throne on the queen's other side. She wore an expression similar to the one her mother wore.

"I hear that my husband's miscreant half breed daughter has been roaming the halls. She almost fought my daughter! Someone find this peasant and bring her to me so we can lock her up and keep her from causing trouble," she yelled.

"My queen," Rayne said to her. The queen's eyes scanned the room until they landed on Rayne.

"What is it Raynell?" she snapped. Raynell? Is that Rayne's actual name?

"The king's daughter is no miscreant. I am teaching her to behave better," Rayne said. She had a look of nervousness on her face. Does the queen really scare her that much? The queen's eyes shifted to meet mine.

"Is this the peasant?" she asked. Her look of anger turned into one of disapproval, just like the rest of the kingdom.

"Your Majesty, I am no peasant. I have done nothing wrong," I replied. Her anger returned just as quickly as it left.

"Why is she talking to me!?" she shouted. I have no idea what went wrong. I barely said anything.

"Nadia I told you to only speak when spoken to," Rayne whispered. I looked at her and shrugged. Was it my fault that I like to stand up for myself? I was raised this way.

"Please remove her from my sight Raynell. I do not ever want to see her again," the queen said.

"Yes Queen Lilliana," Rayne said as she began ushering me out of the room. The doors closed behind us and I turned to face Rayne.

"What is her problem?" I snapped. I was already fed up with this family. First Nefera snapped at me and now her mother!

"Nadia you must follow everything I tell you. Just ignore whatever the queen says that upsets you," she told me. "Now let us go back to your room. I have a lot more to teach you."

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