Chapter 2

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Hey everyone! So I really, really like this story so I'm gonna try to update really quickly on this story! So just a little short A/N! Love you guys! Enjoy!


Nadia's POV

I awoke to the bright light streaming in my window. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and glanced over to my digital clock. It read 7:00. I got up out of my bed and made it. I went over to my mirror and looked at my reflection. I grabbed my brush and began to run it through my hair. I noticed it was an inch longer than what it was yesterday.

That was when all of yesterday came back into my memory. I dropped my brush and ran out the door. My feet flew over the hardwood stairs and into the kitchen. I saw my mother making eggs at the stove. I ran towards her and spun her around so she was facing me.

"Is everything alright Nadia?" she asked me. She put down the fork she had in her hand and gripped my shoulders, looking deep into my eyes.

"No mother everything is not alright!" I shouted at her. Shock was etched into her face as she let me go. I walked over to Rayne and pointed at her. I looked back to my mother with a look of annoyance on my face.

"Why can I understand what this fish is saying!?" I said raising my voice at her. She looked at me and a small sad smile crossed her mouth. She walked toward me and grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug.

"Oh sweetie," she said. She pulled back and began stroking my hair. I must of looked confused because then she felt compelled to explain further. "You're just like your father," she said with tears in her eyes.

"Mom, I never met him. What are you talking about?" I asked. She went over and turned the stove off. She laid my breakfast down at the table and took my arm. She sat me down and took the seat next to me.

"Honey, I should have told you sooner. You're not human. You must have taken your father's genes," she said laying her hand over mine.

"What do you mean I'm not human?" I asked. I've been human all of my life and now I find out that I'm not? Is this some kind of cruel joke?

"Your father couldn't stay to take care of you. He really couldn't be on land for too long. Your father's name is Neptune. King Neptune actually. He's king of all the merpeople. I think that's what they're called. He's a powerful merman and you, you are a royal mermaid," she said to me. I looked at my mom to see if there were any signs of a joke but her face was dead serious.

"So I am a mermaid. Well why can I breathe up here? And why does my tail only appear when I get wet?"

"Well you are half mermaid. When you are out of the water you can breathe up here. When you are under the water you can breathe under there. When your father and I met he told me that if we have a child, I would know what she is when she turned 13. Apparently when a half mermaid turns 13, she, or he, will transform."

"That's what happened to me last night," I told her. I looked over at Rayne and she smiled. "Oh and what about Rayne? Why can we communicate?"

"Well merpeople can speak to all sea creatures. Oh and Rayne is your royal guardian. Your father gave her to me so she could keep an eye on you."

"How did you and my father meet?"

"Well it was about 13 years ago. I believe it was dark and there was a storm coming. Being the wild woman that I am, I decided to go for a swim. I put on my swimsuit and dove into the water. That was when the storm came. I tried to swim back to shore but the rain kept pouring down and the waves were growing. I kept being pushed down by the current and I couldn't catch my breath. That was when I saw a shadowy figure appear right before I passed out. When I awoke I noticed I had some device stuck to the roof of my mouth. I looked around and saw I was in a room of some sort. But everything looked strange and kind of wavy. Then I noticed I was underwater! I swam to the windows and realized I was in some sort of castle. Your father came in and greeted me. I was a little freaked out by the fact he had a tail but he explained everything soon after. One thing led to another and I realized that I couldn't undo what had just happened. Then his wife came in and grew furious. She threw me out and I swam all the way back to the beach. When I woke up the next morning I realized I was pregnant and I knew I had to take care of the baby all by myself. But your father and I met up soon after that and we came to an agreement," she finished.

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